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: 推 halajohn:恩, wcscpy_s 這類 _s 的 function, 是定義在 11/26 09 : → halajohn:ISO/IEC TR 24731 中, 這些 function 的規範更嚴謹, 11/26 09 : → halajohn:好處也更多. 我當初也很驚訝 VC2005 實現了這套. 11/26 09 : → halajohn:不只 vc2005 有, openwatcom 1.5 以後也都有. 11/26 09 : → halajohn:這算是 c library 的 extension. 跟 compiler 沒關. 11/26 09 : → halajohn:要怪就怪 glibc 怎麼進度這麼慢吧. 11/26 09 : → halajohn:anyway, 要改回沒有 _s 的方法比加上 _s 還要來的簡單. 11/26 09 : → godfat:可以考慮回文 @@; 翻了一下,dinkumware 好像也沒做... 11/26 10 : → godfat:改天再查查看有誰做好了 @@ 11/26 10 說是改天不過好奇起來就查了 :o ISO/IEC TR 24731 Abstract ISO/IEC TR 24731-1:2007 provides alternative functions for the C Library (as defined in ISO/IEC 9899:1999) that promote safer, more secure programming. The functions verify that output buffers are large enough for the intended result, and return a failure indicator if they are not. Optionally, failing functions call a "runtime-constraint handler" to report the error. Data is never written past the end of an array. All string results are null terminated. In addition, the functions in ISO/IEC TR 24731-1:2007 are re-entrant: they never return pointers to static objects owned by the function. ISO/IEC TR 24731-1:2007 also contains functions that address insecurities with the C input-output facilities. 好像是今年八月出版的?其實我覺得說這是標準也沒錯啦,只是... XD 不清楚 C 有沒有像 C++ 的 boost 那種東西?boost 就有做半套 TR1, 總比完全沒有好 :o 習慣把標準看成 C99, C++98, C++03 等... 所以沒想到 TR and dinkumware 似乎有以下 TR: <hardware> [added with TR18015] -- for writing portable I/O hardware drivers in C++ <iohw.h> [added with TR18015/TR18037] -- for writing portable I/O hardware drivers in C <stdfix.h> [added with TR18037] -- for performing fixed-point arithmetic in C <uchar.h> [added with TR19769] -- for manipulating 16-bit and 32-bit Unicode wide characters in C 還有 C++ 社群俗稱的 TR1... 不知道全部有多少個? :o -- 生死去来、棚頭傀儡、一線断時、落落磊磊 《花鏡》-世阿弥 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
godfat:好像只有 open watcom 和 msvc 8+ 有做的樣子... 11/26 12:21
godfat:沒記錯的話 open watcom 也是 win32 的... 11/26 12:22