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※ 引述《JSL3719 (專利智財者,鑽利致財也)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《WHOMAU ()》之銘言: : [deleted] : : 即便如此..... : : 老實說這個案子地院打完打CAFC... : : CAFC打完甚至有可能再打到Supreme Court..... : : 雖然目前看來原告比較佔上風.... : : 包括AIPLA也加入原告的行列.... : : 但是沒打完真的很難講.... : : 這兩天接收到從美國代理人方面來的訊息也都採保守看法... : : 認為還是應該對Final Rule的實施有所準備.... : : 以上為目前接收到的訊息.... : CAFC翻案了~ : http://www.cafc.uscourts.gov/opinions/08-1352.pdf USPTO公告 http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/pac/dapp/opla/presentation/ clmcontfinalrule.html Federal Circuit Upholds USPTO's Authority to Issue Claims and Continuations Final Rules and Concludes that Certain Final Rules Are Consistent with the Patent Act USPTO Is Not Implementing Final Rules At This Time UPDATE (March 23, 2009) On March 20, 2009, the Federal Circuit issued a decision addressing (i) whether the Claims and Continuation Final Rules fall within the scope of the USPTO’s rulemaking authority and (ii) whether the Final Rules are contrary to the Patent Act. The Court concluded that the Final Rules were all within the agency’s rulemaking authority. The Court also concluded that Final Rule 114 (requests for continued examination), Final Rule 75 (claims), and Final Rule 265 (examination support documents) are consistent with the Patent Act, but that Final Rule 78 (continuations) violates the Patent Act. The Court remanded several issues to the district court. The litigation remains pending. The Final Rules will not be implemented at this time. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: