看板 Patent 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我不知道TIPO是怎麼想的 反正這麼不入流的審查方式快要被USTPO解決了 http://www.uspto.gov/news/pr/2010/10_24.jsp For applications filed in the USPTO that are based on a prior foreign-filed application, no action would be taken by the USPTO until the agency receives a copy of the search report, if any, and first office action from the foreign office as well as an appropriate reply to the foreign office action as if the foreign office action was made in the application filed in the USPTO. Following or concurrent with the submission of the foreign office action and reply, the applicant may request prioritized examination or obtain processing under the current procedure. This proposal would increase the efficiency of the examination of these applications by avoiding or reducing duplication of efforts by the office of first filing and the USPTO. 想抄USPTO的OA? 人家還等著要抄國外母案的審查報告勒 這辦法要是實施 也不用先申請甚麼台灣專利引用台灣優先權了 除非你每個案子都要多花錢request prioritized examination 反正TIPO不等外國先審查通過是審不出甚麼結果的 http://www.uspto.gov/patents/init_events/pph/index.jsp 另外USPTO也和合作國家開始Patent Prosecution Highway program TIPO顯然就等著被邊緣化而已了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
lkw:這也是沒辦法的事,我們案量那麼多,也不是pct會員國,很多事 07/30 00:12
lkw:不是局內高層努力不夠,而是無法努力,政治的問題難解啊 07/30 00:13
VanDeLord:TIPO 已經被邊緣化了。 07/30 11:22
VanDeLord:政治上的問題,目前無解。 XD 07/30 11:24
forman:TIPO應該會跟SIPO接軌 07/30 22:40