看板 PathofExile 關於我們 聯絡資訊
部份重點節錄 Version 1.0.3 (Current Version) Major Features/Content: Added a new Dexterity Skill - Barrage: After a short preparation time, you attack repeatedly with a ranged weapon. These attacks have a small randomised spread. Only works with Bows and Wands. Barrage is first available to the Duelist, Ranger, Shadow and Witch from the "The Caged Brute" quest in Normal difficulty. Added a new Dexterity Support Gem - Physical Projectile Attack Damage. (物理弓的站出來阿!!) Projectile Physical Attack Damage is available to the Shadow, Ranger, Duelist, Witch and Scion from the "The Siren's Cadence" quest in Cruel difficulty. Added four new Unique items, three of which were designed by our supporters. Added two new cosmetic microtransactions: Infernal Fox Pet and Infernal Skull Helmet Skin. Added two new achievements: Beginner's Luck and Full Clear: Dread Thicket. Added three new Vendor Recipes. Minor Features/Content: The Blacksmith's (Dunes and Spider Forest Maps) Leap Slam has been given a cooldown and a new triggered effect has been added to it. Balance: Viper Strike: Damage progression has been increased. It is now around 15% better at level 15 than it was in 1.0.2. Poison Arrow: Damage progression has been increased. It is now around 15% better at level 15 than it was in 1.0.2. (Poison流要抬頭了?) New groups of passives have been added for Chaos Damage and Damage over Time. The move speed and attack speed groups to the right side of the Scion have been merged. The weaker Movement speed nodes were removed, with the 3% movespeed nodes increased to 4%. Added two new map mods: "of Power" and "of Endurance". These give Endurance and Power charges respectively every 20 seconds. The map mod Enraged has been changed to a suffix - "of Frenzy" The "of Frenzy" map mod now triggers every 20 seconds instead of every 30. Righteous Fire Totems will damage enemies based on their own life and ES, not their caster's life and ES. 正火GG -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ckgegg 來自: (12/11 13:10)
FayeOwO:ST也是可以接那顆新的Support Gem啦XDDDD 12/11 13:11
FayeOwO:Barrage不能用就算了=3= 12/11 13:11
gungriffon:魔杖機關槍有點微妙... 12/11 13:13
ckgegg:我靠 怎麼我都沒送passive reset阿阿阿阿 差一格就沒了歐 12/11 13:13
Butcherdon:要等蜘蛛爬上來才能殺這點實在不能同意 12/11 13:13
gungriffon:這次沒有得重置嗎 不是有多新天賦0口0? 12/11 13:14
i300ml:用Wand噴起來不知道感覺如何? 之前影片只有用Bow噴過 XD 12/11 13:14
ckgegg:我兩支都想說點到附近就好 沒點到門口 就沒送...(崩潰 12/11 13:15
tcpic:巴哈google翻譯: 無間道福克斯寵物 XD 12/11 13:15
Butcherdon:無間道好像翻infernal affair 12/11 13:15
i300ml:reset要點進去才有阿,路過當然沒 12/11 13:16
ckgegg:哭哭 我太天真惹.... 12/11 13:17
i300ml:天賦盤大改才會送,還好我3隻都有點進去 (挺 12/11 13:18
ckgegg:Physical Projectile Attack Dmg Lv1 +30% phy dmg-10%AS 12/11 13:19
FayeOwO:早知道就點進去了Orz 12/11 13:19
i300ml:拍拍 等下次改版就好 XD 12/11 13:20
FayeOwO:LV1 30%也太多,快速投射和慢速投射幾乎沒用啦XDDD 12/11 13:21
ckgegg:不對歐 他那個降攻速是 "less" 不是 reduced 有點傷 12/11 13:23
ckgegg:然後練到Lv2是 phy proj dmg +31% 看樣子是一等多1%傷害 12/11 13:23
bnn:正火圖騰不給活路啊 Orz...砍腳色砍腳色 12/11 13:24
ckgegg:不過還是比那兩個投射有用 魔耗也不高 120%而已 12/11 13:25
bnn:元素傷比例高的快速慢速 +全proj dmg還是有用啦 12/11 13:28
bnn:Thena Menga更恐怖了,請多加提防 12/11 13:30
sarah001231:已哭..更新後中文化不能用了Q__Q 座等中文化... 12/11 13:32
ckgegg:練滿50% phy proj dmg 這sup gem變成所有物理弓必接的 12/11 13:37
Minions:http://i.imgur.com/GiewcRQ.png 配上火焰武器特效酷斃了 12/11 13:39
Minions:http://i.imgur.com/QrrwZnU.png 小朋友神裝~ 12/11 13:39
vladmir:sup gem好用耶 12/11 13:44
ckgegg:小朋友神手套... 12/11 13:46
poppipe:請問2顆 Dex new gem任務有送嗎 還是要自己打? 12/11 13:51
jasop:Physical Projectile Attack Damage 如果能接在ek上就好了QQ 12/11 13:53
ckgegg:有阿 下面有說哪個職業啥任務拿得到 12/11 13:56
ckgegg:可以接吧? 不能接嗎? 12/11 13:56
jasop:遊戲裡看到了 可接 12/11 13:57
cowshut:不是很懂 "ST表示" 的點在哪 0.0 12/11 13:57
ckgegg:這接上去EK又要更暴力喏... 12/11 13:57
poppipe:找到了Ranger Cruel難度 The Siren's Cedence 有送PPAD 12/11 13:57
ckgegg:阿阿阿 因為我搞錯了 那個是active skill gem不是sup(掩面 12/11 13:58
croww:EK是spell不是attack 12/11 13:58
cowshut:而且圖片應該是小朋友胸甲吧 XD? 12/11 13:59
printf:EK如果接這個會沒有副作用嗎? 畢竟EK看cast time 12/11 14:00
poppipe:EK連PPAD無效 以實驗所以甭討論了0.0 12/11 14:01
jasop:哭哭 只好取消開團了 12/11 14:03
ckgegg:歐 看到了 projectile "attack" dmg. EK GG 12/11 14:05
Rucca:請問必須點進加攻速天賦才會重置嗎?(以遊俠上面那個新天賦 12/11 14:14
ckgegg:看樣子應該是... 12/11 14:15
※ 編輯: ckgegg 來自: (12/11 14:21)
alanhwung:我有點一點,稍後回報狀況 12/11 14:23
jasop:拿到了 ek無望 12/11 14:29
lee11708:http://ppt.cc/5kmL 減爆率加爆傷 增加未爆傷害 12/11 14:37
ckgegg:60% Less 這砍的有點兇阿 = = 12/11 14:38
tcpic:問一下 LESS 和REDUCE的差異是? 12/11 14:43
tony820708:reduce可以用increase相等數值平衡 12/11 14:46
tony820708:less應該是直接相乘 不確定more能否平衡 12/11 14:47
tony820708:但我猜應該不行 12/11 14:48
tony820708:確認了並不行 也就是公式如下 12/11 14:50
tony820708:(1+increase%-reduce%)*(1+more%)*(1-less%) 12/11 14:51
tony820708:來源網址有點長 貼不進推文...... 我去縮一下 12/11 14:52
tony820708:http://ppt.cc/MQIv 縮網址 12/11 14:53
tcpic:感謝樓上大大無私分享qq 12/11 14:54
tcpic:簡單來說LESS 跟MORE是最後的乘數~ 前面即使INCREASE 到1000 12/11 14:56
tcpic:後面一次還是可以給你扣250% 12/11 14:56
tony820708:所以SUP寶石的MORE才這麼重要 12/11 15:00
ckgegg:進戰那兩顆插下去就吃了大補丸阿 12/11 15:01
suyushan:那項鍊很猛阿 RT流本來就不能報擊 等於25%增傷 12/11 15:16
suyushan:等等 我看錯了 是變成25% XDDD 12/11 15:17
suyushan:看來挺有趣的... 12/11 15:17
suyushan:所以帶上去最多就是40%暴率了吧? 12/11 15:17
suyushan:好像也沒看過 more 暴率的裝 12/11 15:18
tcpic:要用最大95%算喔 12/11 15:19
tony820708:現在完全想不到實用價值阿-.....- 60%LESS根本絕 12/11 15:20
tony820708:應該不用 能撐多少撐多少 上限只是超過時限制 12/11 15:21
suyushan:那就是38% 其實差不多阿XD 12/11 15:21
tony820708:所以應該是用原本爆率算 也就是除非本來就破表不然這 12/11 15:21
tony820708:項鍊應該沒有用...... 12/11 15:22
Xanphenir:不要忘記爆擊詛咒的爆擊率是額外在最後加上去的 12/11 15:27
byjiang:這項鍊實在有點莫名啊XD 雙手劍倒是很酷 12/11 15:31
ckgegg:項鍊只有拿雙dagger 走藍球爆擊流的的能用吧... 12/11 15:31
ckgegg:不過那個less%數是固定嗎? 還是剛好打到扣最多的 XDDD 12/11 15:32
byjiang:問題是搞了半天只多150% multiplier 完全不想用啊XD 12/11 15:34
ckgegg:如果less%改成40就還可以用... 12/11 15:35
tony820708:老實說我覺得60%不管哪個BUILD都不能用阿...... 12/11 15:43
tony820708:沒有必要多撐那麼多爆擊率只為了那1XX%爆傷 正常項鍊 12/11 15:44
tony820708:已有70% 多那不到100%其實不划算 12/11 15:44
ckgegg:也是 還有個雙爆手套可以用 12/11 15:49
bnn:新recipe: 藍法杖/權杖+alt+單抗戒= +1 (冰/火/電) level杖 12/11 16:12
bnn:race專用recipe 12/11 16:12
tcpic:其實練小隻也可以用上面的公式強化 12/11 16:16
AresMars:我也覺得這項鍊的penalty太重了... 12/11 17:45
byjiang:官網的討論是拿來配dot 好像有一點道理.. 12/11 17:54
Butcherdon:crit帶culling 畫蛇添足吧 12/11 18:00
Butcherdon:還有一種 燃燒EP配詛咒 高的蓋低的 但不是每次都有一整 12/11 18:01
Butcherdon:群給炸啊 打王怎麼辦 12/11 18:01
alanhwung:我有重置,有點到攻速才有吧我想 12/11 18:49
vladmir:滑鼠中鍵總算不會zoom in了萬歲 12/11 21:59
rusa:zoom in/out一直都可以調阿..... 12/11 22:58
jasop:zoom可在option內調.... 12/11 23:02
vladmir:之前滾輪沒辦法調掉吧 12/11 23:27
ckgegg:可以 ._. 12/12 00:32
rusa:我很早就自己調成 PgUp/PgDn... 12/12 01:22