看板 PhD 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《ostine (沒有頭緒)》之銘言: : -------------------------------------- : 我想說的是,為什麼美國可以有這麼多先進的研究,因為他們考慮到這些研究者 : 所需要的是是什麼。一個PhD通常年紀都不小,應該是一個會有家庭的人,如果你無法 : 給他一個不需要擔心經濟問題的環境,他要怎麼做研究。(老哥同實驗室的同學,還有 : 人也是有家庭的人,但是不需要辛苦的為他的經濟擔心) : 如果台灣的PhD,還需要兼家教,代表他的確無法專心他的研究,一個真正做研究的 : PhD(理工醫學領域),是沒什麼時間去打工的,有的話,通常念的年限會拖長。 : 當然這種獎學金不是人人能拿,但是我看不到台灣有獎學金可以這樣支持一個有家庭 : 的PhD,光是這點,我們的環境就輸掉一大節。 : 我對於要不要調漲獎助學金,也不是完全的贊同,因為這是很多問題的綜合, : 不是一個單單調漲獎助學金就能解決的問題,但是對於台灣沒有給於研究者一個好的 : 研究環境,絕對是台灣的問題! : BTW,美國很多學校是私立的,代表他們背後有一堆的基金、財團支持,當然不需要政府 : 給錢,這是體制的問題。在台灣的教育體制,大學還沒變法人之前,你很難叫政府不出錢 : 因為這些學校本來就是政府養,政府不出錢,誰要出錢?? : 最後,我傾向於,沒有一個完善的制度出現,的確要想辦法調漲獎助學金,但是要怎麼給 : 很重要,而且碩士跟博士生應該要分開實施,畢竟修業年限及學生年齡結構不同。 It is good to have some real stories for references. I guess your brother should be a very good students, as I know, even American don't give every PhD student full scholarship. Only those who have shown very good potential can standout from the very strong competition. All the best to him and family. Back to the problem, we all know American are really rich. They probably can afford to give everybody scholarship but they haven't even done this. Suppose they do give the full scholarship to every PhD student, how do you recognise what could occur next? Simply, is the research quality in the system going to improve or drop? If your classmate only do half amount of your loads and get the same scholarship and will continue to obtain the scholarship next year? Will you work harder thereafter? I think we are hitting the foundamental value of the American system. American dream means the opportunities and success go to those who can accept hardship, who can take leadership and risks, who can face challenges, who can point out the right way for the rest, etc. In such system, no free money or equal support reall exists. The bonus and scholarship is quite high, higher than you can get in the rest of the world; however, the candidates must be also the best of the best. And this makes a reason why they always give the best results. This is also an important reason of that the US have become a single super power since 1945, and, conversely, another super power, the USSR disappeared finally, although initially they both controlled nearly equal parts of the world. I am not saying there are nobody can be qualified the best of the best and currently studying in Taiwan. However, I haven't seen any rule to determine that who is going to get such a good scholarship, suppose we are going to spend or to invest any money on any one of them. Some people did address similar ways to allocate such support or scholarship. However, there are always some others sticking on asking for free money equally allocated for everyone. This is basically the main point that we cannot agree. Fortunately, the living cost in Taiwan is not that expensive like in NY. In the long term, I am quite happy to see a good scholarship competition system can be launched in Taiwanese system, to push everybody doing their best. However, even so, the scholarship should not allocate for everyone. And those who cannot standout from the competition must expect to support their studies by themselves, I am afraid. Universities or schools are places of doing research, showing your potential, learning something, making your own beautiful future, etc. However, they are not least a group name of many shelter buildings nor even a charity society. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: lerudit 來自: (12/30 23:18)
losfer:自己做稻草人扎的很高興, 看戲一場為你拍手阿 :3 12/31 00:25
norris0140:推 12/31 09:00
hsu060:agree with lerudit! 12/31 10:39