看板 PhD 關於我們 聯絡資訊
: 因為我現在人在國外進行短期研究 : 趁這個機會我問了一下這裡的博士生有關畢業跟待遇的條件如何 : 結果我發現跟台灣比起來 真的是天壤之別 : 在國外唸博士班 對這裡的人來說 其實是一份正當的職業 : 學校甚至還有遵循政府規定的最低薪資要求 : 所以這裡的博士生每月薪資都有保障(換算台幣大概四萬多) If that is in the US, divide that by 2.5 - It is much more expensive to live in the US. $1,200 USD per month only gives you minimal living. : 至於畢業條件 系上也是有明文規定 : 不過差別在於不是只看你發表的期刊論文數目 : 連研討會論文 修課 當課堂助教 : 都能算入畢業點數 : 當然期刊論文也是必須的條件之ㄧ : 但博士生可以很有彈性的自己選擇達到條件的方式 : 而且達到畢業條件之後 老師也不會刻意刁難 : 因為他們一切都照規定來 學生該得的 就會給學生 However, in the US, no one graduate as soon as the requirements are met. Often the students decide whether they are 'ready' for the competetive world out there, in terms of their knowledge and maturity. 'Good Scholarship' should be the *only* requirement for granting a PhD. This 'bad' adviser could have a better attitude, but maybe he/she felt that this student is not ready. If that is the case, it is true that where there is a job lie up doesn't matter. A better idea is to talk to the department chair, not his father, on this matter. If the department chair sides with the adviser, your friend should start to think hard about his research. Sorry for typing in english- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢參(ptt3.cc) ◆ From:
micklin:幹嘛sorry, 大家都看得懂啊 03/01 15:05