看板 PhD 關於我們 聯絡資訊
University Faculty Positions ======================= The Department of Civil Engineering of National Taiwan University invites applications for the following full-time faculty positions: 1. One positon in Geotechnical Engineering, 2. One position in Transportation Engineering, 3. One position in Hydraulic Engineering and Hydrology, 4. Two positions in Structural/Materials Engineering. Starting date for these positions will be on August 1, 2008. Applicants should have a Ph.D. degree in civil engineering or related fields, and have demonstrated interests and expertise in inter-disciplinary researches and undergraduate teaching. Deadline for the application will be on December 31, 2007. Applicants should submit an application package to Dr. Kuo-Chun Chang, Professor and Chairman, Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, Taiwan 10617. The following items should be included in the package: 1. one cover letter, 2. a resume that states academic and working experiences, the major expertise, and possible courses offering, 3. one statement of research plans for the next five years (maximum 6 pages), 4. one photocopy of the official Ph.D. diploma, 5. transcripts of graduate studies (if applicants are applying for assistant professor positions) , 6. contact information of three to five references for letters of recommendation, 7. one representative publication (published after 2005.12.31) for review and up to five selected publications (published after 2003.12.31) as reference, 8. A list of publications. For more information about the application, please visit our website (http://www.ce.ntu.edu.tw). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 我老闆轉寄給我的.. 在此分享給需要的人 ^^ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
muto52:敢請問是土木系哪一個老師退休了阿~XD 07/20 09:42
angeleu:是有好幾個老師退休了..這一兩年內應該還會有缺 07/20 11:21
MHG:水利組的~似乎是因為有個人上新聞了~然後就退了~囧>" 07/20 12:19
victor17:大地組的吳偉特退休了~去年就招過一次但是缺額 07/21 00:52
gary4:像土木類這種科系在理工學院中,博士產量似乎相對較少? 07/22 01:39
menghan415:產量算少吧..算慢..^^".. 07/22 21:18
muto52:上新聞那個應該沒退吧XD 07/23 18:53