看板 PhD 關於我們 聯絡資訊
I do know two contrasting cases. A senior classmate of mine became Research Assistant Professor first year after PhD, got tenure track offers from GIT and UCI early last year but decided to go to MIT for post-doc. Reason? NIH grant is too difficult to get for young faculty, and he doesn't want to start his tenure clock right now. The second case is a post-doc I am workinig with right now. She got offers from UC system, but turned them down because she wants to work in a particular type of research environment and the UCs that she got offers in do not fit the criteria. ※ 引述《thomson (完成度 2/5)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《superspot (want)》之銘言: : : p.s:有人提到"博士後是找不到工作的人做的",這句話我並不認同 : : 有些博士後的實力或產量,甚至比應徵上的教授還強, : : 選擇先博士後,只是個人的生涯規劃而已 : 你可以想想看 : 如果一個人 同時找到 博士後 跟 教職 : 他會選那個??? : 只要教職的學校不是很差 : 大多數人都會選教職 : 畢竟 博士後 是約聘 : 相對起來 教職的 待遇較好也較高 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: