看板 PhD 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. 領域: nanoscale heat transfer 2. 期刊名稱: Applied Physics Letters 3. 被accepted/revised/rejected : rejected 4. 投稿後大約多久才收到結果: submission date: 2009-01-14 decision: 2009-01-25 (letter類講求時效性,所以一般來說兩星期內就有結果) 5. reviewer的數目(comment數目):1 被退稿的原因如下(節錄自comment): While the results are interesting and useful, and should be published, they are not significantly novel nor important to be published in Applied Physics Letters. The manuscript could, however, be published as a regular article in the Journal of Applied Physics. 所以我們就從善如流寫成paper並改投到JAP,然後在cover letter裡把這段話抄上去XD (你看,是貴期刊的姊妹刊叫我們轉投的哦) 1. 領域: nanoscale heat transfer 2. 期刊名稱: Journal of Applied Physics 3. 被accepted/revised/rejected : accepted (publish as is) 4. 投稿後大約多久才收到結果: submission date: 2009-02-25 decision: 2009-04-16 5. reviewer的數目(comment數目):1 我想APL reviewer的那段話蠻有幫助的,所以連revision都不用就接受了:P -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
sourthern:推~ 09/02 20:11
lexjiang:所以被REJECT也是好事就對了~ 09/02 20:52
emitter:速度好快 09/02 20:57
kusobike:推,長知識 09/02 21:11
MasonT:我的經驗跟您相反, 我當年投 APL 一下子就被接受. 09/03 13:45
MasonT:然後把資料跟理論補充齊全, 改投 JAP, 意見居然只有一句話" 09/03 13:46
MasonT:This article is not JAP qaulity. 後來原稿投IEEE就接受了 09/03 13:47
nspl:發過可以再發? @@ 要有其他data吧 09/03 14:34
fuhshuenn:轉錄至看板 NTUfinDr 09/13 23:27