看板 PhD 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1.期刊: Green chemistry 2.結果: minor revised--> accepted 3.reviewer數目: 2 過程: 老闆覺得這次的題目創意性夠 因此和老闆討論後一開始先決定嘗試往高點數期刊投稿 反正被打槍就算了,就當作是經驗吧! 於是就各別往這些期刊投稿 a. Angewandte Chemie International Edition: b. Journal of the American Chemical Society 之前早有耳聞這類期刊審稿速度很快,就算被rejected 也不會太浪費時間 投稿出去後,果然都只要一天就回來了 主編覺得應用性太"specific" 沒經過外審,直接rejected c. Advanced materials 這次的審稿時間大概三個禮拜,還以為進入外審階段,有機會了!! 不過回來之後,結果也是一樣主編內審結果,直接rejected 理由也是一樣"specific application" 不過這位主編還推薦了另一個期刊給我參考 以下是mail內容: "> Thank you for submitting the above-mentioned manuscript. > > Regretfully, I must inform you that the manuscript will not be considered > further for ADVANCED MATERIALS. > > The reasons for this are that we receive considerably more papers than we > can possibly publish in the limited available space, and that the results > and content of your manuscript seem to be more suitable for a polymer > science-related journal. Therefore what I recommend is that the manuscript is considered for our > journal Macromolecular Rapid Communications (http://www.mrc-journal.de), > which is the journal of choice for rapid publication of high priority > results in the field of polymer science and ranks 2nd by Impact Factor > (2009 IF: 4.3) among all journals predominantly publishing original > research in general polymer science. > The Editor of Macromolecular Rapid Communications has agreed to this > suggestion and would be happy to have your manuscript reviewed for this > journal. > > If you choose to follow this suggestion, please upload your manuscript as > a new submission to Macromolecular Rapid Communications using > http://www.manuscriptxpress.com. In your cover letter, please mention this > correspondence to expedite the handling of your manuscrip 後來老闆覺得如果參考他的期刊投稿,還不是要經過審查 而且也會有被rejected的可能,在考慮IF點數下,決定不考慮這期刊 繼續往下投,首先比較了Chem.commun. Anal.Chem. 及Green.Chem 的IF,以及這次實驗的主題與期刊scopes,最後決定Green chemistry 在cover letter中強調這次實驗的重點及其應用性 最後提出建議的reviewer有三位 1.Prof. Thomas Welton 2.Prof. Vivek Polshettiwar 3.Prof. Alejandro Cifuentes 前兩位算是與我這次實驗有關領域之大師 11/12 submission--> 12/3 回信內容: minor revised I am pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been recommended for publication in Green Chemistry subject to revision in line with the attached reports 接著是reviewer的問題 第一位先說明accept的理由: "This is a greatly improved synthetic methodology resulting in ........, Therefore, I favour publication as a communication in green chemistry." 接著提出五個問題,補一個ref. ,在討論中補上幾句話 都不算太刁難 第二位reviewer完全沒問題,並稱讚了一下,真是受寵若驚 "It is well-written and an excellent piece of work.... I recommend its publication in Green Chemistry. " 12/7 revised manuscript 12/8 收到accepted letter,速度真是快!! "Thank you for submitting your revised manuscript. I am satisfied with the changes you have made, and I am therefore pleased to inform you that your paper has been accepted for publication in Green Chemistry." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
littlest:恭喜阿! 12/08 15:54
Diesigy:恭喜 12/08 15:56
koala1012:恭喜! 不過 reviewers是具名的喔!? 12/08 16:47
dk191726:不具名,我只是建議三位..最後是誰審的就不得而知 12/08 17:03
linesa:恭喜~~XD 12/08 18:22
ashin0212:congratulation!! 謝謝分享 ^^ 12/08 20:27
tainanuser:恭喜! 12/09 09:37
allisoncat:恭喜! 12/09 12:16
howshou:恭喜, 感覺是個好研究 12/09 13:13
Incentive:恭喜! 12/09 13:58
tingyang:賀! 12/09 15:39
mph:congrats! 12/09 22:14
APPswe:恭喜! 12/09 22:22
joe70136:Congratulation! 12/10 09:47
agenghost:congratulation! 感謝分享 12/11 18:27