看板 PhD 關於我們 聯絡資訊
A method to calculate quantitative behavior of "three-body recombination rates" for a "spin-polarized atomic gas" was developed by Esry et al.[5], which matches well (or very well, or good, or reasonably) with our results. 註; (放入ref. 編號,上面為三個作者的用法以上,兩個作者的話將兩個last name都放入 ,如chen and kuo,一個作者的話只要放入其last name即可) 假如要在強調的話,可以如以下: It should be pointed out that our results qualitatively matches very well with the theoretical prediction of Esry et al. [5], who develped a method to calculate the three-body recombination rates for a (還是要用the? gas為不可數) spin-polarized atomic gas. ※ 引述《pilipilifans (蛋塔)》之銘言: : 最近在作英文海報 但由於自己英文不太好 : 想上來請教關於一段文字打的是否正確 : 那段主要是要描述我們的實驗結果和一篇理論相關的paper是相符的 : 而我的英文描述是 : In ref [5], B. D. Esry have developed a method to calculate quantitative : "three-body recombination rates" for a "spin-polarized atomic gas" and our : results match their prediction. : 其中" "是專有名詞 可以忽略不計 : 不知道上面這段話是否有文法上或者其他問題需要修改呢? 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
iceraining:其實雙引號可以不用... 01/15 01:13
※ 編輯: iceraining 來自: (01/15 01:20) ※ 編輯: iceraining 來自: (01/15 01:22)
comaniac:match好像拼錯了 01/15 02:50
※ 編輯: iceraining 來自: (01/15 03:27)
iceraining:>< 01/15 03:27
adm123:GOOD!!! 01/25 16:37