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Reviews上提到了interferon 一般在臨床上,會給這類的藥物當作抗病毒使用嗎? 也順便問一下現在使用的一些蛋白質藥物? 有已經成熟的嗎? Interferons at age 50: past, current and future impact on biomedicine The family of interferon (IFN) proteins has now more than reached the potential envisioned by early discovering virologists: IFNs are not only antivirals with a spectrum of clinical effectiveness against both RNA and DNA viruses, but are also the prototypic biological response modifiers for oncology, and show effectiveness in suppressing manifestations of multiple sclerosis. Studies of IFNs have resulted in fundamental insights into cellular signalling mechanisms, gene transcription and innate and acquired immunity. Further elucidation of the multitude of IFN-induced genes, as well as drug development strategies targeting IFN production via the activation of the Toll-like receptors (TLRs), will almost certainly lead to newer and more efficacious therapeutics. Our goal is to offer a molecular and clinical perspective that will enable IFNs or their TLR agonist inducers to reach their full clinical potential. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
stanlyleu:病毒性肝炎會使用阿 12/13 15:44