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ufo0864:[徵]principles of quantum mechanics 3rd shankar 和 09/14 00:21
ufo0864:Classical Mechanics 3rd by Goldstein 09/14 00:22
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ji3g4vulm354:[徵]Stephen Gasiorowicz的Quantum Physics 站內信 09/20 10:32
t0087669:[徵]Griffiths的Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 2/e 09/21 07:40
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※ 編輯: breedy 來自: (03/02 09:14)
wei555:[徵]Griffiths的Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 2/e 03/02 13:00
lineagenew:[徵]Griffith Introduction to elementary particle2/e 03/07 07:36
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sumalo:SERWAY的 謝謝 h 03/08 18:21
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YCTzeng:帚嚏GWorld Scientific 03/13 22:13
YCTzeng:[徵]Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Fields 03/13 22:14
YCTzeng:作者:Ta-You Wu,W-Y Pauchy Hwang, 1991,World Scientific 03/13 22:15
JamesLi:[徵] Carter的熱力學解答 站內信 謝謝 03/14 21:07
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passerby12:[徵]Introduction to Quantum Mechanics BY Griffiths 10/01 15:43
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ssica:[徵]Introduction To Solid State Physics by kittel 10/03 16:35
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piagetho:(附習題詳解) 洽站內信 11/09 17:19
piagetho:(3) Fundamentals of Physics By Halliday(也有中文的) 11/09 17:22
piagetho:[售](4)Sakurai-Modern Quantum Mechanics(附習題詳解) 11/09 17:23
piagetho:[售](5)Griffiths-Introduction To Quantum Mechanics 11/09 17:26
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mingweii:[徵]Ashcroft Solid State Physics 謝謝! 04/19 01:16
Aza:[賣]Kittel Solid State Physics 8E 7成新 少筆記 售500元 05/02 17:40
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Aza:[賣] Jackson Classical electrodynamics 3E 8成新 有筆記 05/02 17:42
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Aza:Jackson Classical electrodynamics & Pathria Statistical Me 05/08 11:52
Aza:Mechanics 已售出 05/08 11:53
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adadadadad:2ed 06/04 10:48
monkps:[徵徵]Marion and Landau 力學 來信請附報價與書況 感謝 06/04 23:52
mingweii:[賣]Arfken Mathematical methods for physicists 5/e 06/08 23:43
mingweii:$400 意者站內信 06/08 23:43
Anomalocaris:[賣]Quantum field theory by Ryder, NT400 06/09 22:13
Anomalocaris:[賣]Quantum field theory by Zee, NT800 06/09 22:15
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Anomalocaris:[賣]Geometry,topology and physics,nakahara,800 06/09 22:21
Anomalocaris:[賣]Gravitation and cosmology,Weinberg,700 06/09 22:23
Anomalocaris:[賣]Mechanics (Volumn 1), Landau, 800 06/09 22:26
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latefall:[賣]Shapiro Black Holes White Dwarfs and Neutron Star 06/13 23:44
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famayo:只用過六小時 意者站內信 07/17 20:32
Aza:Kittel Solid State Physics 8E 已售出 07/23 10:52
mago1023:【徵】Introduction To Solid State Physics 8Th Edition 08/02 23:47
adadadadad:[賣]Jackson,Classical Electrodynamics,3rd edition 08/20 20:50
adadadadad:700元 站內信 9.5成新 08/20 20:50
adadadadad:已售出 08/22 19:55
JackBaska:[徵] Principle of Quantum Mechanics - Shankar 09/01 11:04
JackBaska:[徵]Solid State - Kittel 09/01 11:04
iandddy0986:[徵]Introduction to Quantum Mechanics-Griffiths 09/01 17:11
iandddy0986:二手書也沒關係 09/01 17:12
boyzone66:[賣]Principles of Quantum Mechanics 2nd Shankar 09/02 15:03
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JAPTX4869:量子物理學已售出 01/16 09:00
kevinJoe:[徵]Introduction to Elementary Particles 2e 01/21 10:59
iandddy0986:[徵]Shankar+解答 & Arfken 6e 2手書 01/28 17:45
ting301:[售] Introduction to Quantum Mechanics-Griffiths 02/06 23:41
ting301:[售] Introduction to Electrodynamics Griffiths 4th 02/06 23:42
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PHILISME: [徵]SALEH & TEICH的 Fundamentals of Photonics 09/24 14:15
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Damnguy: 徵 Introduction to Quantum MEchanics(A.C Phillips)(wi 09/30 10:25
Damnguy: ley) 09/30 10:25
Damnguy: 徵 Classic and statistical Thermodynamics(Ashley H.Ca 09/30 10:27
Damnguy: rter) 09/30 10:27
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assassin26: [賣]Introduction to Electrodynamics - Griffiths 01/02 20:26
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bibyy: [售]Statistical mechanics Pathria SECOND edition 08/15 18:22
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Indigoa: [徵] J.D.Jackson,Classical Electrodynamics(3rd) 09/11 15:44
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cl3fiona: ion) 站內信報價 09/14 15:25
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p94107: 徵書 09/17 15:52
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barabara: [徵]Statistical Mechanics. Pathria 05/02 15:22
barabara: [徵]Classical Electrodynamics. Jackson 站內信謝謝 05/02 15:23
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dendrite: , F. Gross, NT$300 06/01 22:16
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hsiaotzu0505: [徵]Principles of Optics, Born & Wolf, any edit 07/20 15:35
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harrison913: 作者Serway 07/26 17:53
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mrwinner: Michael A. Nielsen & Isaac L. Chuang 站內信 08/17 16:59
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kevinJoe: [徵] Classical Electrodynamics 3e, Jackson 08/27 23:01
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MedicineWu: [徵]solid state physics,Ashcroft 急需 站內信 謝謝 09/21 10:49
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dendrite: [售]凝聚態物理學新論 10/02 00:27
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dendrite: [售]電磁學與電磁波的理論及應用上/下 10/02 00:28
dendrite: [售]Superconductivity 10/02 00:28
dendrite: [售]凝聚態物理專題 10/02 00:28
dendrite: [售]Parallel Programming (2nd ed.) 10/02 00:28
dendrite: [售]An Introduction to Computational Physics 10/02 00:28
dendrite: [售]Numerical Mathematics and Computing (3rd ed.) 10/02 00:29
dendrite: [售]Mechanisms of Conventional and High Tc Supercond 10/02 00:29
dendrite: [售]Strongly correlated systems: Numerical methods 10/02 00:29
dendrite: [售]Nanoscale phase separation and colossal magneto- 10/02 00:29
dendrite: [售]超導體 10/02 00:29
dendrite: [售]Linear algebra (3rd ed.) 10/02 00:30
dendrite: [售]Classical Mechanics (2nd ed.) 10/02 00:30
dendrite: [售]高溫超導物理 10/02 00:30
ansen0988: [徵]Arfken 物數(6th or 7th) 10/02 14:42
Rogii: [售] Serway 普物 英文版 7e 全新 10/09 00:55
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Rogii: [售] Microelectronics: circuit analysis 3th Neamen 10/09 22:20
Rogii: [售] Thomas' Calculus international edition 10/09 22:20
Rogii: [售] 普通物理學 上下 Benson Revised Edition 10/09 22:21
Rogii: [售] Optics Eugene Hecht 10/09 22:21
Rogii: [售] 向量分析 施仁斌 10/09 22:22
Rogii: [售] Foundations of Electronics Cogdell 10/09 22:22
Rogii: [售] 孫超群 近代物理筆記 10/09 22:23
MrPigYa: [徵]量子物理學 中文版 Eisberg 10/10 01:50
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HeHe: [售]university physics 2ed Harris Benson 全新 11/18 13:15
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YummyLin2120: [徵]Halliday test bank 11/30 22:34
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assu: [徵] Modern Quantum Mechanics (Revised Edition) 12/03 16:06
assu: [徵] Classical Electrodynamics, 2nd Jackson 12/03 16:08
assu: [徵] Classical Mechanics Goldstein 3rd 12/03 16:09
assu: [徵] Statistical Mechanics Kerson Huang 2rd 12/03 16:11
HeHe: [售]普通物理(上)第12版 陳瑞和 謝奇文 Young & Freedman 12/11 09:50
Gauss: [徵]物理奧林匹亞-灰20選訓教材 01/01 21:23
upufuxup: [售] Principles of physics 3/e Serway & Jewett 01/02 00:52
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bullhead: [徵] Halliday test bank 01/09 01:58
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harrison913: [徵] Young and Freedman題庫電子檔 01/24 20:14
mizys: [徵]引力論 ISBN:9789570911336 01/25 22:57
cococing: [售]普物Halliday原文書第十版,9.9成新,售700 02/22 20:34
ptlove1222: [徵] Modern Quantum Mechanics,J.J. Sakurai 02/23 12:00
knutten: [徵]Introduction to Electrodynamics 4版,站內信 02/27 16:05
knutten: [徵]Mathematical Methods for Physicists毪y Arfken 7 02/27 19:54
unicorn999: [徵]Introduction to Electrodynamics 4/e 站內信 03/16 14:36
ppu12372: [徵]Introduction to Solid State Physics 8th Kittel 03/18 17:38
mizys: [徵]Classical Theory Of Fields landau 03/25 21:34
novem: Hans Stephani, Relativity, CAMBRIDGE, Third Edition. 04/05 14:56
ijk1: [徵] Semiconductor Physics and Devices, Donald A. Neamen 04/06 10:52
ijk1: 的習題解答 04/06 10:53
GlassHeartHo: 「售」Modern Physics 第四代 Tipler Llewelyn 04/11 19:37
GlassHeartHo: [售]Kittel Thermal Physics 2e 04/11 19:45
GlassHeartHo: [售]微積分 James Stewart 中譯版 04/11 19:46
GlassHeartHo: [售]物奧國手選訓教材及初複試題目解答 04/11 19:48
Budletify: [徵]固態物理 Kittel 中譯本 04/17 15:22
ijk1: [徵] Principles of Physical Optics, C. A. Bennett 的習題 04/25 12:55
ijk1: 詳解 04/25 12:55
santaferock: [徵]Cohen Tannoudji-Quantum mechanics volume 1&2 05/05 16:55
dendrite: [售]Condensed Matter in a Nutshell 06/10 09:08
dendrite: [售]Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell 06/10 09:08
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congeebone: es,我沒有意見。 06/15 17:30
dendrite: [售]Computational Physics, Thijssen 06/18 21:49
dendrite: [售]Quantum Field Theory in Condensed Matter Physics 06/18 21:49
dendrite: [售]Superconductivity,Poole,Farach,Creswick,Prozorov 06/18 21:51
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laiharvey: 感謝!) 06/27 15:15
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jjsakurai: [賣]Algebraic Topology 07/08 13:27
jjsakurai: [賣]Introduction to High Energy Physics Perkins 07/08 13:28
jjsakurai: [賣]Quantum Field Theory ItzyKson and Zuber 07/08 13:29
jjsakurai: [賣]The Elegant Universe B Green 07/08 13:30
jjsakurai: [賣] Advanced Quantum Mechanics JJ Sakurai 07/08 13:30
jjsakurai: [賣] Quantum Field Theory Kerson Huang 07/08 13:31
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jjsakurai: [賣]The quantum theory of Fields I Weinberg 07/08 13:33
jjsakurai: [賣]Ultracold Quantum Fields Stoff 07/08 13:34
jjsakurai: [賣]Molecular Quantum Mechanics Atkins 07/08 13:34
jjsakurai: [賣]Quantum Chemistry John P. Lowe 07/08 13:35
jjsakurai: [賣]Superconductivity Charles P. Poole Jr. 07/08 13:36
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jjsakurai: [售]Quantum Field Theory by Peskin, 裝訂差 售600 07/11 13:20
Philethan: [賣]Principles of Quantum Mechanics 2/E 售1000 07/19 14:20
Philethan: [賣]Statistical Mechanics 3/E Pathria 售1000 07/19 14:21
Philethan: [賣]Building Scientific Apparatus 4/E 售500 07/19 14:21
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dendrite: [售]Anderson,Schrieffer大作 08/19 16:13
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XC312: [徵]吳銘士 物理400題 09/04 15:05
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chloeous: [徵]Analytical Mechanics, Fowles and Cassiday 09/07 17:48
chloeous: [徵]Introduction to electrodynamics, Griffiths 09/07 17:48
chloeous: [徵]Heat and Thermodynamics, Zemansky and Dittman 09/07 17:49
tiger012015: [徵]shankar 的量子力學 09/13 11:49
power41: [徵]shankar 的量子力學 2nd 09/14 09:54
jason401310: [徵]Jackson的classical electrodynamics 3rd 09/15 01:14
montu: [售]Classical Dynamics fifth THORNTON MARION 09/17 20:29
montu: [售]Calculus fifth Robert.A Adams 09/17 20:31
montu: [售]Introduction to electrodynamics, Griffiths 3rd 09/17 20:44
montu: [售]Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics A H.Carter 09/17 20:47
montu: [售]Introdution QUANTUM MECHANICS Liboff 4th 09/17 20:50
montu: [售]CONCEPTS OF MODERN PHYSICS Beiser 解答本 09/17 20:55
montu: [售]MODERN QUANTUM MECHANICS Sakurai 解答本 09/17 21:00
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montu: [售]Classical Dynamics fifth THORNTON MARION 解答本 09/18 08:32
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wang63: [售]college physic 9E Hugh Young 09/18 22:26
HoChung: [徵] Classical Mechanics Goldstein 3rd 09/20 10:40
aiayaeken: [徵]jackson電動 跪求割愛 09/20 19:55
gn00771771: [徵]mathematical physics by kusse 09/21 04:08
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yy0304: /e volume1+2 09/26 15:12
gn00771771: [徵]classical mechanics herbert goldstein 10/11 19:49
Raffaello: [徵]Mathematical physics: applied mathematics for 10/17 09:03
Raffaello: scientists and engineers by Kusse 10/17 09:03
montu: CONCEPTS OF MODERN PHYSICS Beiser 6th 10/22 10:53
montu: [售]CONCEPTS OF MODERN PHYSICS Beiser 6th $150 10/22 10:54
montu: [售]Foundations of Astronomy Seeds 9th $300 10/22 10:59
montu: [售]OPTICS Hecht 4th $250 10/22 11:04
montu: [售]物理學演義 郭奕玲,沈慧君 $100 10/22 11:05
IROIKYO: [徵]griffiths電磁學原文中譯及詳解 11/06 01:21
santaferock: [徵]Bose-Einstein Condensation in Dilute Gases 11/09 12:03
santaferock: [徵]Quantum Theory of Solids- Kittel(2nd revised) 11/09 12:05
Y0SHIKI: [徵]物理之演進,觀念物理 11/12 23:21
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power41: [徵]Classical Dynamics fifth THORNTON MARION 01/14 07:38
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s93m4: [書]Modern Physics - second Edition 01/14 21:57
s93m4: [賣]by Erwin Kreyszig 01/14 21:59
s93m4: [書]Advanced Engineering Mathematics 01/14 21:59
s93m4: [註]9th Edition 01/14 22:00
s93m4: [賣]by Harris Benson 01/14 22:02
s93m4: [書]University Physics 01/14 22:03
s93m4: [註]Revised Edition 01/14 22:03
s93m4: [賣]by David J. Griffiths 01/14 22:05
s93m4: [書]Introduction to ElectroDynamics 01/14 22:06
s93m4: [註]3rd Edition 01/14 22:07
s93m4: [賣]by Herbert B. Callen 01/14 22:08
s93m4: [書]ThermoDynamics and an Introduction to ThermoStatist 01/14 22:10
s93m4: [註]ics 2nd Edition 01/14 22:10
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kidlgo: [售]kittel 固態物理學導論 中文第七版 250 01/24 09:25
awage: [徵] Diffusion in Solids (Paul Shewmon) 02/19 21:04
physicslab: [徵]by K.V Riley、M.P Hobson、S.J Bence 03/04 08:39
physicslab: [書]mathematical method, 3e 03/04 08:40
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uvyyvu: [賣}Benson:University Physics (revised edition) 04/04 13:00
ynnej: [賣]classical electrodynamics third edition jackson 04/23 13:11
RREvoque: [徵] Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences3e 04/30 21:23
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kui5811: [書]by LIBOFF $800 06/05 15:58
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kui5811: by Ashley H. Carter $300 06/05 16:00
montu: [售]Introdution QUANTUM MECHANICS Liboff 4th $450 06/17 16:36
montu: [售]普物Halliday 7e $200 06/17 16:39
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ynnej: [售]Classical Mechanics 3rd edition, Goldstein Poole& 07/30 15:53
ynnej: Safko 07/30 15:53
kcc15896: [徵]Spacetime and Geometry by Sean M. Carroll 站內~ 08/01 09:12
eggy1998: [徵]《Introduction to Optics》by Pedrotti, Frank L, 08/31 20:18
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a13579230: [徵] Jackson,Classical Electrodynamics,3rd edition 09/11 20:26
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physicslab: [徵] fundamental of microelectronics, Razavi, 2e 09/11 21:15
livelove0978: [徵]Classical Electrodynamics (3rd edition), J.D 09/11 21:31
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rukia175: [徵] Jackson,Classical Electrodynamics,3rd edition 10/03 13:44
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chen0515: [徵]Classical electrodynamics Jackson 11/26 19:54
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electron: [徵] Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics by As 04/20 21:53
electron: hley H. Carter 04/20 21:53
electron: [徵]Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineerin 04/29 09:37
electron: g 3/e by K. F. Riley 04/29 09:37
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IROIKYO: s~站內信 06/27 19:08
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wagayang: [售]Analytical Mechanics by Fowles 07/03 01:43
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Glashow: [徵]The Feynman Lectures on Physics (3 Volume Set) 07/15 22:39
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ridgechem: [徵] 考研究所用大學物理學 下 賴樹聲 站內信 02/01 18:39
Minglao: [徵]Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences 02/25 15:46
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