看板 Physics 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Equalmusic:我記得板主之前有號招人一起來驗證李校長的步驟 01/25 09:52
Equalmusic:請問後來有下文嗎? 01/25 09:53
XDD 被抓包了 真抱歉上次本來以為當年夏天會回台灣 但有事情擔擱就回不去了 但驗證手指識字這種事我是一直都很有興趣的 (以下取自李嗣涔網頁) "Some people are able to read images by using their fingers rather than their eyes. After nine years of investigation, we confirmed that children between 6 and 13 years old can be trained in finger-reading. An earlier report suggested..." "The "finger-reading" effect refers to successful touch identification to apparently flat targets on paper, where the participant is unable to see, or feel, any normal sensory cues to aid touch identification. Studies of this have been running for over 10 years in Taiwan. A quarter of children, after finger-reading training, appeared to be able to determine..." http://sclee.ee.ntu.edu.tw/mind/mind.htm 有興趣的版友可以看看他的論文 然後來討論一下他到底在搞什麼把戲 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: breedy 來自: (01/26 02:25)
flyingwave:we confirmed that....我一直在想他為什麼那麼有把握 01/26 13:52
flyingwave:當年聽他的演講 第一句開門見山就是 01/26 13:59
flyingwave:經過我們的研究 證實了 "靈異世界的存在" 01/26 14:00
flyingwave:我當場傻眼@@ 01/26 14:00
flyingwave:可是又想想他在電機方面的成就 實在想不通為何他要把 01/26 14:01
breedy:他去做直銷應該也會一樣成功吧 XD 01/26 14:01
flyingwave:一生的成就賭在特異功能上 01/26 14:02
flyingwave:不過聽過幾個112上過他的課的人 都說他還滿有大師的感 01/26 14:04
flyingwave:覺 版上還有其他人上過他的課嗎? 01/26 14:05
iamfire:通常騙子都可以給人大師的感覺 01/28 16:30
microball:so what? 就算有這個現象,不一定是他解釋的那樣 01/28 22:07