看板 Physics 關於我們 聯絡資訊
之前這篇是站內信 現在收集不少推薦的書籍 就重貼一次轉去各地物理板 置底文放久了常常有被忽略的現象 有需要書籍推薦或是有要推薦書的請多幫忙充實 我相信應該還有不少好書漏掉了 =====================物理書籍推薦區====================================== [大學普物] 1. "Physics for Scientists and Engineers" Douglas C. Giancoli [註]這本是有微積分版 2. "Fundamentals of Physics" Halliday, Resnic, Walker 3. "大學物理學" 李怡嚴 [註]scorpioeric:推薦是因為中文版,力學,電磁觀念寫的很精采 因為他用的數學偏向大二應用數學,較適合大二閱讀 [大學近代物裡] 1. "Modern Physics" Berstein, Fishbane and Gasiorowicz [註]很完善的介紹近代物裡 拿來準備SGRE近物部分超好用 2. "Fundamentals of Modern Physics" R. M. Eisberg [大學光學] 1. "Introduction to Modern Optics" G. R. Fowles [註]據說是Berkeley大二Honors物裡的用書 [大學力學] 1. "Classical Dynamics of particles and systems" Marion and Thorton [大學量子力學] 1. "Introduction to Quantum Mechanics" D. Griffiths [註]適合拿來入門 但內容不夠深入 有興趣的一定要找第二本來念 2. "Quantum Physics" Gasiorowicz [註]TMCA:算是Griffith到Shanker之間的 sukeda:我比較覺得Gasiorowicz是Eisberg過渡到Griffiths 3. "Principles of Quantum Mechanics" Shankar [註]這本大學和研究所都有在用 breedy認為不適合拿來入門 4. "量子力學" 曾謹言 [大學物理數學] 1. "Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences" Boas [大學熱力學+統計力學] 1. "Introduction to Satistical Physics" Kerson Huang [註]andrew777推:Entropy的部分很清楚,也很深入 Phase transition也講得很棒! gonghour:這本似乎是Kerson Huang的Satistical Physics的簡編本 2. "Thermal Physics" Kittel and Kroemer 3. "Statistical Mechanics" R. K. Pathria [註]caseypie:幾乎是Kerson Huang 的Satistical Physics的數學補完版 4. "Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics" Ashley H. Carter [大學電動力學] 1. "Introduction to Electrodynamics" D. Griffiths [研究所力學] 1. "Classical Mechanics" Goldstein, Poole and Shafko 2. "Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics" V. I. Arnold [註]詳細介紹symplectic and Poisson geometry在古典力學中的應用 [研究所熱力學+統計力學] 1. "Statistical Mechanics" F. Schwabl 2. "Statistical Mechanics" R. K. Pathria [研究所電動力學] 1. "Classical Electrodynamics" J. D. Jackson 2. "Classical Electrodynamics" J. Schwinger [註]jjsakurai:我喜歡他很多小trick 把一些特殊函數的特性變簡單 [研究所量子力學] 1. "Modern Quantum Mechanics" J. J. Sakurai 2. "Quantum Mechanics" E. Abers [註]頗新的一本(2005) breedy認為是把群論裡的representation結合很好的一本書 3. "Principles of Quantum Mechanics" Shankar [註]這本大學和研究所都有在用 4. "The Principles of Quantum Mechanics" Dirac 5. "Quantum Mechanics: Symbolism of Atomic Measurements" J. Schwinger 6. "Quantum Mechanics" F. Schwabl 7. "Advanced Quantum Mechanics" F. Schwabl [研究所物理數學] 1. "Mathematical Physics" Hassani [註]有非常好的微分方程算符方法等介紹 適合一般理論物理 2. "The Geometry of Physics" Frankel [註]偏粒子理論物理 尤其是弦論必備內容涵蓋微分幾何到指數定裡 [廣義相對論] 1. "Gravitation and Cosmology: an application of GR..." S. Weinberg 2. "Spacetime and Geometry: an Introduction to GR" Sean Carroll [固態物理] 1. "Many-Body Quantum Theory in Condensed Matter Physics: An Introduction" Henrik Bruus & Karsten Flensberg [註]federal:大概是最適合初學者的多體書.....可惜錯誤很多 2. "Quantum Many Particle Systems" John W. Negele & Henri Orland [註]federal:學condensed matter路徑積分常看的書 [量子場論] 1. "Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell" A. Zee 2. "The Quantum Theory of Fields Vol. I, II & III" S. Weinberg 3. "Field Theory: A Modern Primer" P. Ramond 4. "Quantum Field Theory" L. Ryder 5. "An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory" Peskin and Schroeder [超對稱與超引力] 1. "Supersymmetry and Supergravity" Wess and Bagger 2. "Modern Supersymmetry" Terning 3. "Supergravity" P. Van Nieuwenhuizen [註]Review article 在 google scholar找一下就有 [共形場論] 1. "Conformal Field Theory" Di Francesco .....待補 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: breedy 來自: (02/22 12:32)