看板 PinkFloyd 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Dog 狗 Lyrics: Waters, Roger 歌詞: 羅格·沃特斯 附上歌曲連結,搭配服用 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bqZFp7dWbg
You gotta be crazy, gotta have a real need 你一定是瘋了,想必是有急迫的需求, gotta sleep on your toes, and when you're on the street 得睡在自己的爪子上,在街頭 gotta be able to pick out the easy meat with your eyes closed 得練就儘管眼睛閉著,也能輕易選出肥肉的能力, And then moving in silently, down wind and out of sight 接著不出聲音地移動,順風溜出眾人的視線, You gotta strike when the moment is right without thinking. 時機到了,得準確出手,不需思考。      And after a while, you can work on points for style 再過一會,你便能優雅行事, Like the club tie, and the firm handshake 像是穿戴上俱樂部領帶,誠懇的與人握手, A certain look in the eye, and an easy smile 流露出懇切的眼神和令人舒適的微笑。 You have to be trusted by the people that you lie to 你必須讓那些你想欺騙的人相信你, So that when they turn their backs on you 這樣當他們轉過身去時, You'll get the chance to put the knife in. 你就有機會,從背後捅一刀。      You gotta keep one eye looking over your shoulder 你得小心,注意自己背後的陰影, You know it's going to get harder, and harder, and harder as you get older 你也知道,年紀越老,行事小心就越來越難,越來越難。 And in the end you'll pack up, and fly down south 最後你只好包袱款款,飛向南方, Hide your head in the sand 把頭藏進沙子裡。 Just another sad old man 不過就是個悲哀的老人, All alone and dying of cancer. 孤孤單單,瀕死於癌症。 And when you loose control, you'll reap the harvest that you have sown 等你失去影響力以後,你將會自食惡果。 And as the fear grows, the bad blood slows and turns to stone *1 隨著恐懼滋長,仇恨與恩怨已被消磨殆盡,進而轉化為業障 *1 And its too late to loose the weight you used to need to throw around *2 當初慣於濫用的權勢,現在想擺脫這負擔早已太晚。 *2 So have a good drown, as you go down all alone 等著被恐懼淹死吧,孤獨的下沉, Dragged down by the stone. 被業障拖下水淹死。      I gotta admit that I'm a little bit confused 我得承認我是有點小小困惑, Sometimes it seems to me as if I'm just being used 有時看來,我好像不過是被利用。 Gotta stay awake, gotta try and shake of this creeping malaise 得保持清醒,得試著擺脫這恐怖的憂鬱。 If I don't stand my own ground, how can I find my way out of this maze? 我若不起身抵抗,怎麼逃出這團混境? Deaf, dumb, and blind, you just keep on pretending 又聾,又啞,又盲,你不過是欺騙自己, That everyone's expendable and no-one has a real friend 假裝任何人都是可以利用的,而且沒有人有真正的朋友。 And it seems to you the thing to do would be to isolate the winner 對你來說,該做的事不過是要孤立贏家, Everything's done under the sun *3 你見日光之下所做的一切事,都是空虛,都是罪惡, *3 And you believe at heart everyone's a killer. 你打從心底相信,所有人都是危險的殺手。 Who was born in a house full of pain *4 是誰從小就受殘酷折磨,*4 Who was trained not to spit in the fan 是誰被訓練不要自找麻煩, Who was told what to do by the man 是誰被主人呼來斥去, Who was broken by trained personnel *5 是誰被訓練有素的人降服,*5 Who was fitted with collar and chain 是誰適應了頸圈和鎖鏈, Who was given a pat on the back 是誰乖乖的被拍拍背。 Who was breaking away from the pack 是誰從人群中逃脫, Who was only a stranger at home 是誰在家裡感覺像個陌生人, Who was ground down in the end 是誰最後崩潰, Who was found dead on the phone 是誰被人發現死於通話中, Who was dragged down by the stone 是誰被業障拖下水淹死, Who was dragged down by the stone. 是誰被業障拖下水淹死,。 ===========翻譯注釋========== *1 bad blood 意指仇恨,恩怨; stone 常有多義,這裡我取其心理負擔,包袱之意。 我的朋友建議我, 這個心理負擔是因為壞事做太多,怕遭受報復所導致, 故改為"業障"。 *2 throw one's weight around 意指濫用權勢; weight 有三關,既是權勢,也是包袱,也是人老後增加的體重。 隨便一個字竟然有三關,現在哪裡有那麼厲害的歌詞啊? *3 此處引用聖經"傳道書"(Ecclesiastes) 的兩段句子: Ecc 1:14 "I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind." "我見日光之下所做的一切事,都是虛空,都是捕風。" Ecc 9:3 "This is the evil in everything that happens under the sun: The same destiny overtakes all." "在日光之下所行的一切事上有一件禍患, 就是眾人所遭遇的都是一樣,並且世人的心充滿了惡" 所以翻譯時,必須把"空虛"、"罪惡"這兩個意思也跟著翻出來。 *4 "House of Pain" 是引用小說 "莫洛博士島" (The Island of Doctor Moreau)的情節。 此書曾被改寫為同名電影"攔截人魔島"。 莫洛博士是一個藉由外科手術改造各種動物,殘忍地對待動物的瘋子。 我相信海賊王漫畫最近的情節, "龐克哈薩特島"裡的凱薩·克勞恩(M),是向本書的致敬。 甚至"「恐怖三桅帆船」"的摩利亞,應該也是。 *5 broken 意指 housebreaking,是訓練狗隻在屋外大小便的稱呼。 但是也有人格被摧毀的意思,是個漂亮的雙關。 如有錯誤請多指教!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
iicbm:感謝你的翻譯及註解 11/17 09:08
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