看板 Plant 關於我們 聯絡資訊
請問一下介殼蟲應該要怎麼樣去除啊??? >"< 我的仙人掌買回來兩三天而已 就長了一種白白小小的蟲 看起來還毛毛的 同學跟我說那是介殼蟲 我每天幫我的仙人掌抓蟲 可是怎麼好像越來越多 @@" 想請問一下要怎麼樣才能除掉這些蟲呢?? 螞蟻會吃這些蟲嗎??? 為什麼我看過螞蟻在咬牠們??? @@" 有沒有除了噴藥以外的方法呢?? 謝謝大家唷 >"< -- There's something makes me feel terrible.How can I describe?Just like...there's no love and no sympathy around the world.There are crying and pain .I'm now drenching in a gloomy storm.Seeing the happiness fly away.I can't grab it.What I can do is stand here and cry...Maybe I'll fall asleep,and forget all of these sorrow.And then,wake up with laughters,sitting on the rainbow,hearing the voice of Angels,and watching the sunrise with my love... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
nchuh:會啊 馬以喙吃粉介殼蟲 推 04/30
leata:那請問一下螞蟻對仙人掌有害嗎??? @@" 推218.166.112.106 04/30
KiYu:賞他辣椒大蒜水看看~~...有毛的是粉介殼蟲 推140.112.246.143 04/30
leata:好 我試試看 謝謝兩位唷 ^^ 推218.166.112.106 04/30
annaswee:你給的網址要已經點進去的才行,看不到喔! 推 04/30
annaswee:對不起喔!我回錯了,游標亂跑~sorry 推 04/30
Pandora0428:觀賞介殼蟲的葉片掉進帆布包@@它會吃嗎? 推 05/01