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※ [本文轉錄自 BioHazard 看板 #1SIQhkD0 ] 作者: neo718 (The 3rd Birthday) 看板: BioHazard 標題: [閒聊] RE2 Gamespot Review影片 時間: Thu Jan 24 20:09:13 2019 Gamespot評論RE2影片: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZYSMFwlGlc
網頁文字版: https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/resident-evil-2-review-revisiting-raccoon-city /1900-6417071/ 影片長度約6分鐘多,最後評論編輯給了9分。 --------------------------------------------------------------- The Good: (1)Fantastic visuals that evoke a chilling and nerve-wracking atmosphere (2)Strong survival horror gameplay that creates an immense feeling of urgency and dread (3)Expanded story that takes the original material to exciting and surprising places (4)A number of interesting,enjoyable collectibles and easter eggs that add a lot of charm (5)Clever and challenging bonus modes that are satisfying to take on and complete ------------------------------------------------------------------ The Bad: (1)Occasional pacing issues that make certain sections frustrating ================================================================== 題外話:IGN網站原本給8.8分,後來更改成9分。 (當初給8.8分,其中一個缺點是IGN編輯說沒有第二輪要素。 結果其他網站評論內容出來,IGN的影片立刻被美國玩家諷刺沒玩破關就評分。 因為如果有確實玩破關後,就會出現類似原始版2代的表/裡關的New game +系統) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BioHazard/M.1548331758.A.340.html ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: neo718 (, 01/24/2019 20:10:44
kuninaka: TOO MUCH WATER 01/24 20:16
y1896547: 雲評論XD 01/24 20:18
windfeather: IGN笑死。一輪又沒多長,居然撐不完就趕著出評論 01/24 20:20
Oilboy: 笑死 以後這家跳過 01/24 20:20
kuninaka: IGN評論一直都是看來搞笑的 01/24 20:31
asabase: 現在還會有人相信IGN的評價嗎!??? 01/24 20:35
iComeInPeace: IGN一直都是以不專業知名的啊 01/24 20:39
peter080808: 現在有些一堆DLC 初售評分根本不準 01/24 20:41
hoe1101: IGN:至少還是贏法米通好嗎 01/24 20:48
ThreekRoger: IGN一直都滿準的吧 01/24 21:55