看板 PokeMon 關於我們 聯絡資訊
還蠻長的 而且該解釋的都有解釋 也有幫gf緩夾一點...點.. 大致上來說老任應該已經掌握了情況了, 也知道大家多不爽跟遺憾,不過他們的確是無能為力, 客服這邊可能連第一方都都很有限,何況GF是第二方, 走老任客服或者產品支援通道,效果會非常有限,GF可能根本不會回應他們反饋, 只能建議大家發動社群網站最大的力量, 社群是最好也最有影響力的方法。 讓老任客服叫你去發動群眾力量, 基本就定調他們目前做不了任何事了, 除非數字比預期難看。 https://i.imgur.com/vhJXgfR.png
-- https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/c1y1n6/so_i_spoke_to_nintendo_customer_service_i_think/ “Dear Sunisea, Thank you for contacting the Nintendo UK Customer Support Team regarding your feedback on "Pokémon Sword and Shield's development". We are sorry to hear the recent news on Nintendo's Treehouse: Live E3 2019 demonstration were not to your liking. We truly appreciate your dedication to the Pokémon series and how much the games and its characters mean to you. It truly is for this that Nintendo, and by correlation The Pokémon Company, puts so much effort in making quality games with which people can not only have fun but truly live and evolve with. Unfortunately, our modest Technical Support department has no connection with the development and production of games, much less ones by a second party developer team. As much as we would love to assist you and take this feedback to Game Freak's development team, we are unable to do so. I will be honest, I am unsure why The Pokémon Company Support Team referred to our service in specific. Rather than contacting customer support teams, who can assist you with products that exist in the market, we kindly advise you to make any and all feedback regarding upcoming and currently updating games via social media. Now more than ever, developers, even if not directly, pay a lot of attention to the general consensus of the fan community on social media, particularly if the feedback is directly brought to the official pages of the relevant company (I.E. Pokémon News UK Twitter). I do not mean to seem like our services is simply throwing you around. It is a heartbreaking experience to dedicate so much to a game series, to a specific team of Pokémon, and having it suddenly be cut off. However, despite this being the current status of things, while we have nothing to announce or confirm as of this moment, post-launch updates exist. The Pokémon Company and Game Freak has always strived to do their utmost to allow trainers to pass Pokémon from one generation to the next. It may be the case that, as of now, the ability of passing every single Poké mon to the new upcoming titles is not quite yet possible. More likely than not, however, Game Freak will take notice of this feedback on the Internet and social media. And after being given time to work out the kinks of putting literal thousands of characters into a single game, the ability to have the National Pokédex may yet still become a reality. In fact, the full list of what Pokémon are available isn't known yet. It may be a simple case of a few odd exceptions not being available for story or exclusivity reasons (legendary Pokémon, event Pokémon, etc). As such, we kindly request you to patiently give Game Freak a chance to complete their development and support of the "Pokémon Sword and Shield" titles. Should you have any other questions or needs, please feel free to contact us again. Happy Gaming and Kind Regards.” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1560872697.A.1AC.html ※ 編輯: carotyao ( 臺灣), 06/18/2019 23:52:00
a23962787: 啊不是,你的名字碼了內文沒碼 06/19 00:05
carotyao: 信件是本名 文章是暱稱吧 06/19 00:08
carotyao: 老任寄信給我也都是本名啊 06/19 00:08
a23962787: 好哦 06/19 00:08
qoo4628802: 是定調了吧 什麼調定了= = 我還以為要調整了 06/19 00:13
Despairile: 不意外吧 老任就拿GF沒辦法啊 大家同等級 06/19 00:26
Despairile: 還好我XY就爆氣回去玩我的HGSS 06/19 00:28
mhhe: 玩心金+1 可以遛寵物好可愛 06/19 01:42
ImCasual: 也不用拒完 不要衝首發就好 等評價出來不遲 06/19 07:27
WiLLSTW: 說多了都是淚 06/19 07:54
WiLLSTW: 我是覺得如果是因為沒有全pm所以拒玩那也不用等評價了 06/19 07:55
Belial: 樓上的圖真靠北www 06/19 08:05
carotyao: 樓上那個最後一句xddddd 06/19 08:29
InfinitySA: 已經決定拒玩了 本來就靠玩家自己來施壓 06/19 08:58
InfinitySA: 不懂那些護航的心態 你到底是站在玩家還是廠商立場啊 06/19 08:58
InfinitySA: 這幾個版都有護的超兇的 都懷疑是不是反串還是葉配打 06/19 08:59
InfinitySA: 手 我看八成是公司的人假裝玩家 06/19 08:59
WiLLSTW: 不 不分狀況的護航粉是存在的 06/19 09:00
SPDY: 不 嘴GF爛 嘴壞掉的天知是不是鐵粉宣洩 是不衝突的雙重樂趣 06/19 09:06
bl00din: GF不怕啊 我認識的鐵粉還是買兩版同捆 06/19 09:11
seraphpiyo: 有的是想要和吵得很大聲的意見不一樣,你以為你懂很多 06/19 09:57
seraphpiyo: 了不起喔,我偏要說很好,哼。菁英/大眾的衝突模式或 06/19 09:58
seraphpiyo: 許多少可以用來解釋。 06/19 09:58
ImCasual: 我不會因為被砍拒玩啦 可是如果GF的製作態度是這樣 06/19 10:00
ImCasual: 那遊戲品質的期望值就遠低於任天堂其他遊戲 等二手就好 06/19 10:00
ImCasual: 就算沒二手 我也不想貢獻首周銷量 大概4醬 06/19 10:01
ADYex: 遊戲期望值還真的遠輸其他任家作品... 其他人認真多了... 06/19 10:46
csydebbie: 看這麼多文章本來覺得還好的我也打算拒買首發了,等二 06/19 11:14
csydebbie: 手 06/19 11:14
leamaSTC: 買二手不如不買 醒醒吧 06/19 11:24
ImCasual: 完全不碰不就空氣玩家 也沒立場譙GF了 我只是半香而已 06/19 12:26
smallca: 等2手 真的很滅火不會想搶首發 06/19 13:40
philip81501: 拒買就直接別買 06/19 14:51
weed222: 一堆人事前說拒買, 可是最後真香的也一堆 06/19 16:53
XYZ24324773: 讓這片連二手都賣不掉才是正解 06/19 16:57
godrong95: 二手賣不賣的掉GF哪有感覺 06/19 16:58
chjimmy: 上次直播前才在說等加強版好了 居然一語成讖 06/19 17:28
accjm2440: 如果至少加強版有補齊那還好 但何必搞成這樣= = 06/19 18:00
WJAider: 二手賣不掉 -> 二手價格差 -> 買一手被當盤子 06/20 02:06
WJAider: -> 一手銷量差,怎可能沒影響 06/20 02:06
mehan: 誰跟你真香,我這次就打定主意不買! 06/20 11:08
tommy6: 可惡 還是很想買 06/20 11:17
godrong95: 寶可夢的二手價有好看過嗎?3DS一款比一款低 根本沒差 06/20 13:12
a23962787: 就是減少需求而已,不要搞得那麼複雜嘛 06/20 13:34
dog90224: NS連兩作都搞不出全國圖鑑了,這我還不拒買 06/21 09:33
koala2396: 雖然沒全部寶可夢但我還是會買 唉 06/21 11:22
artyyouth: 定調跟調定了 意思整個相反欸 06/23 17:54
artyyouth: 哦哦 標題其實有改 但JPTT顯示原本的 06/23 17:59
aspeter: 拒買最好,忍不住買二手到六手,越多人玩一片遊戲他賺越少 06/23 19:18
aspeter: 不買貢獻100%,二手貢獻50%,四手貢獻75%,全新貢獻0% 06/23 19:30
david7112123: 難過 感覺只能等下代了 或是GF 醒的時候 06/24 18:29