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forbes 連結 http://goo.gl/Ga9udi 以下是外電的內容與翻譯 China Vs. Vietnam: Next Up At The International Court On The South China Sea Now that the Hague’s Permanent Court of Arbitration voted resoundingly in Philippines’ favor on the South China Sea, it is Vietnam’s turn to bring an arbitration case. China has interfered massively in Vietnam’s economic development — not only against its fishing, but against its offshore oil and gas exploration and extraction. China justifies its interference in Vietnam’ s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) based on China’s recently-claimed 9-dash line — the same 1930s line that the Court invalidated yesterday in the Philippine legal victory. 在海牙國際常駐仲裁法庭判菲律賓勝訴後,接下來換越南提出仲裁案。 中國不僅嚴重地 干擾影響了越南的漁業,且其離岸油氣的探勘與採礦。  中國長久以來以1930年代所繪的9段線地圖來正當化中國對於越南EEZ的侵犯。 In 2012, China cut the cables of seismic equipment used by Vietnam to explore its own EEZ for oil and gas. Starting in 2014, China repeatedly explored for oil within Vietnam’s 200 nautical mile EEZ, with its high-tech $1 billion HS 981 drilling rig. Subsidized Chinese steel-hulled boats regularly sink wooden Vietnamese fishing boats in disputed areas of the South China Sea, most recently last weekend. In what the Vietnamese describe as a “merciless and pitiless” incident, Chinese boats tried to prevent rescuers from retrieving fishermen thrown overboard. 在2012年,中國為了探勘油氣採礦將越南海底的地震偵測纜線剪斷。 從2014年開始,中國一再的在越南的200海浬的EEZ內,使用其價值10億的HS 981鑽 探平台來尋找石油。 在爭議海域中,中國籍政府所補助的鐵殼船也經常弄沉越南籍的木製漁船,而最近一起事 故發生於上周。 在此越南人的描述為唯一起殘忍且冷血的事件,中國船隻還試圖阻止搜救者救起落海的漁 民。 With the Court’s ruling yesterday, nothing stops Vietnam from bringing a similar arbitration case against China — and getting an almost certain win. Vietnam has done a great job of patching up its differences with countries more reasonable than China. Vietnam even submitted a joint submission with Malaysia on their shared continental shelf — a model of cooperation and reason. Vietnam still claims all of the Spratlys and Paracel Islands, but one senses none of the stridency and intensity regarding these claims that was exhibited by China on their 9-dash line claim. 加上昨天國際法庭裁決後,已經沒有甚麼事可以阻止越南對中國提出類似的強制仲裁,越 方也認為可以勝訴。 越南對許多比中國講理,之前有歧異的國家的彌補關係上做了很好 的工作。 越南甚至提交了一份與馬來西亞共享大陸棚的計畫,可以說是合作與理性的典範。 越南仍然主張擁有南沙與西沙島嶼,但仍然比不上中國刺耳與霸道的主張九段線。 My prediction is that Vietnamese leaders simply want — and will soon petition — the Court to ascertain the limits of their EEZ, based on 200 nautical miles from the coastline, plus additional continental shelf. Once this is settled, Vietnam will be theoretically free to fully utilize its EEZ. 作者預估越南領導人最近將會像國際法庭遞交確認200海浬的EEZ範圍及大陸棚的申 請。 一旦這個裁決確認後,越南理論上將能完全自由的使用其EEZ。 Enforcement of Vietnam’s claim is another matter. China’s reaction to the Philippine’s successful case over the coming months will help Vietnam know what to expect after a new ruling in its favor. But there is now every reason for Vietnam to bring an arbitration case. As President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines discovered, there is no reason to bargain with China prior to a PCA ruling, as the PCA ruling strengthened the bargaining position of the Philippines. China knew this, which is why China was so desperate for bilateral negotiations prior to yesterday’s ruling. Vietnam’s bargaining position with China will be similarly strengthened by bringing a case and receiving a ruling from the Hague tribunal. Let’s hope Vietnam now takes action. 越南主張的執行而是另外一回事。 在菲律賓狀告中國成功勝訴的案例將會幫助越南了解如何勝訴。 但對越南來說現在絕對有理由提起仲裁。 如同菲律賓總統Rodrigo Duterte發現,在PCA仲裁前,根本沒有需要跟中國討價還價, 因為PCA裁決鞏固了菲律賓討價還價的空間。 中國也知道這件事,這也是中國在裁決前,如此絕望的希望私下的雙邊談判來解決這件事 。 藉由提起強制仲裁案,越南對中國的討價空間將來也會增加且獲得海牙國際仲裁庭的裁決 。 讓我們期待未來越南的行動吧。 --- 以下這個部分為先前彭博Bloomberg的新聞內容,可以搭配參考。 Vietnam disputes China’s claim to the Paracel Islands, which China has occupied since 1974. Sixty-four Vietnamese sailors died in a 1988 naval clash between Vietnam and China near Johnson South Reef. http://imgur.com/cDvogbO Paracel Islands(西沙群島)為越南與中國的領土主張紛爭,而中國自從1947佔領 至今。 64位越南水手曾死於1988年越南與中國在Johnson South Reef(赤瓜礁) 的海上軍事衝突。 Brunei and Malaysia also claim maritime boundaries in the Sea. Malaysia operates several military outposts in the Spratlys. Brunei has claims to several reefs, but occupies no territory. http://imgur.com/cw5rstc 汶萊與馬來西亞也在此部分海域宣稱擁有海上邊界。 馬來西亞在Spratlys(南沙)擁有 軍事據點並實質控制。 而汶萊則主張其中幾個珊瑚礁,但並未佔領任何區域。 The South China Sea is a vital thoroughfare for the global economy. Home to 10% of the world’s commercial ocean fish stock, the sea lies above an estimated 11 billion barrels in oil reserves. http://imgur.com/rZNns9M -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PublicIssue/M.1468504878.A.B47.html ※ 編輯: Cityfrighten (, 07/14/2016 22:03:25 ※ 編輯: Cityfrighten (, 07/14/2016 22:06:55
yudi1991: 07/14 22:14
selina0508:轉錄至看板 Gossiping 07/14 22:15
tcpic: 你打完換我打的概念.. 07/14 22:46
Absioute: 這次應該沒太平礁的事了吧 07/15 00:02
aimify: 中國人真是顧人怨啊~ 07/15 01:37
zuilon2000:轉錄至看板 HatePolitics 07/15 01:54