看板 Pulp 關於我們 聯絡資訊
'Weeds' " I've always been fascinated by plants growing in places where they shouldn't really be, like weeds growing in cracks in the paving stones. For some reason I thought, 'That's a bit like humans in a city you're a natural thing but you're growing in this slightly hostile, crappy environment but somehow managing to survive'. I started thinking about how most good music comes from people who are in shitty circumstances and then the Svengali comes along and makes all the money and the artist gets fucked off. Then there was the drugs connotation. There's a slumming-it mentality in our society which is going back to a 'Common People' theme - people getting a buzz from scoring drugs off a council estate. 'It's so authentic, I was in a real council house, and these people had tattoos and everything. It's like they've got real contempt for these people and they'll spit on them, but when they want some drugs or they wanna shag a prostitute they're OK." -- Are you all made of stone? ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: PartyHard 來自: (10/28 16:15) ※ 編輯: PartyHard 來自: (10/28 16:16) ※ 編輯: PartyHard 來自: (10/28 16:17)