看板 Pulp 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《PartyHard ( Shadowplay)》之銘言: : Q: Are you happy with this record? : J: : [With Scott Walker producing it] : is littered with combinations that should have been great but aren't. : A mate of mine has this bootleg of Jim Morrison singing with : Jimi Hendrix in a bar in LA , and it just soulnds like some pissed-up : blokes mucking about. 哈哈哈;) 天才也有變回凡人的時候啦 : But he honed in on the atmosphere of each song and found ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ : ways of bringing it out. : He illustrated our book. 沒錯!!!形容得真好>0<~ : Q: How did you feel singing in front of Scott Walker? : J: : I was terribly nervous. I'm not the biggest fan of my own voice. 啊...我們可都是你聲線的大歌迷呢... : But he was good. He encouraged me to sing out. 嗯我個人也是覺得這一張 Jarvis 的唱腔真的比較“放” 詮釋起某些歌多了一種“力量”而不再只有氣氛 : He didn't give me any specific tips like, : 'Drink camomile tea and take lots of deep breaths, 哈^^ : ' but he made me face up to my singing. 嗯^-^~ : My basic method in the past was to get semi-pissed, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 呵我們家的以前可能要 fully-pissed 才能唱哦^^ : certainly didn't like me being pissed and [made me focus] on getting the : performance right. 呵... : So I was more involved in it, rather than leaving it to somebody else to : sort out, and I realised I didn't have to be hammered to sing. 嗯真好...製作人真行... : Q : What do you feel about This Is Hardcore now? : J : : I think it's good. But it's not a record made by a contented people. 哦...「春宮電影」不是由滿足的人做出來的專輯...嗯當然... : It's a record about disillusionment. 哦哦哦形容的真好... : There was a lot of pressure, but this time there was no pressure, : really, because nobody was arsed! : We could have easily said, Let's not make another record. : We had to ask, Do we want it to be such a laborious, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ : painful process again? And none of us did, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 嗯創作過程的甘苦真不是常人能了解體會的呢... : Q: Weeds, on the new album, We Love Life, is about people on the margins : being exploited by pop culture. Is that how you felt? : J: : The thing that can be really demoralising about getting some kind of : success is that people, and I certainly did this, : start a group because they're marginalised and it gives ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ : them something they're in control of, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ : their little fantasy world to escape into. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 嗯被邊緣化的族群通常會尋找僅能在控制下的東西 然後遁入一個小小自成一格的幻想世界 : Then, if you do make a breakthrough, : it's taken away from you, it becomes something that's marketed : and sold and you feel like you don't own it anymore, : you feel like a bit of a caricature of yourself. : I think stuff comes from poor backgrounds and then gets exploited by people : and [the originators] don't get any benefit from it. 但是一旦你想掙脫這個世界回到現實主流的世界 僅能在控制下的東西就會被奪走販賣 而你自己不僅失去了這獨家的東西,也等於是被商業化剝削 得不到任何好處... : Q :How much does your job involve Jarvis the pop star feeding : off Jarvis the person? 呵這個問題真有趣...Jarvis 如何在明星公眾的自己和私下的自我取得平衡... : J: : That's OK, as long as you realise that your life comes first and : that anything that you create comes from that. : If music becomes your career it shouldn't become your life. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^是哦... : Life is like the car, and your art, or whatever you produce, : is a caravan, and as long as the car's in front of the caravan you can go : places.The other way round, you're not going anywhere. 嗯要讓 自己的生活 領在前頭而非附加的價值成就 : Q; Is being in a band a neat way of prolonging adolescence? 哈這個記者真尖銳耶...待在一個樂團是讓青春期延長的一個好方法嗎? : J: : Definitely. A bit sad, seeing as I'm 38. : I never wanted to grow up anyway, so this was a perfect career choice : for me. 哦^-^~...Liam 也說過 "Growing up is a sin...",視長大變老為一種罪過... 嗯我們都不想呢... : One day I'd like to have children. : It seems unnatural not to, but I worry sometimes that I'm getting a bit : long in the tooth. 呵... : You know, it might be handy to be around to watch them grow up, : rather than shoot your load then die. 嗯責任重大吧... : Q:Do you listen to your own music for pleasure or read your fan sites : on the net? : J: : No, I bloody don't. No way. 哈歌迷恐怕要失望了;) : Q:Do you think the 1982 Jarvis would like what you're doing now? : J: : I had a weird experience on the motorway about three months ago. : I was driving my van and there was a yellow Hillman Imp : in front of me. I used to have one of those, : and so when I overtook it - and they're so shit anything can : overtake 'em - I looked to see who was driving, : and there was this kid with specs on, : just sinking his teeth into a Ginster's Cornish pasty, : which is exactly the kind of behaviour that I would have been involved in. 哈哈哈哈哈自己笑人家卻又想起以前自己一樣的蠢樣哩^^ : It was only like a flash as I went past, : so I'm not saying, I drove past myself on the motorway in a former existence, : but it was really weird, and got me thinking about whether : I would like myself now or whether I would even recognise what I am. : Actually, maybe the 1982 version of myself would be impressed with me, : but I would find him really irritating. 呵...十幾年前的自己大概會對現在的自己刮目相看吧... : I'd say, You need to grow up a bit, mate, you need to get all : that out of your system and sort yourself out and you might end up being : not a bad person. At the moment you're all right, you're reasonably funny : sometimes, but you're irritating. There was this thing when I had to move : house once,I was packing stuff up and I saw this picture of myself on : the cover of a magazine,I think it was Select, and I looked at it and thought, : Who is this twat? I suddenly didn't recognise myself and thought, 哈哈哈哈哈 who is this twat? 你自己啊;) 相信大家多少都有這種面對過往的自己錯愕驚訝的經驗吧... : Is that really what you want people to think you're like. : That was the dawning of a realisation that I'd over-exposed : myself doing things that weren't what I was meant to be doing: : presenting Top Of The Pops or being a rent-a-quote. : Allowing that celebrity thing to undermine the fact that we make music. : My intentions were honourable, though, your honour. 嗯我相信你...該是回頭重新檢視成名的後遺症以及回歸音樂和自我了... : All that 1995 thing was about marginal stuff suddenly finding its way : into the mainstream, and I thought in a naive way that it was going to : make a difference, that things were going to change. A year or two later : I realised that instead of you changing the mainstream, : the mainstream's changing you. So I made a conscious decision to back off. 整段翻一下好了: 「九五年那一段完全像是邊緣另類的東西突然間找到進入主流的道路, 而我天真的以為這將會令一切不同,整個生態會改變。但經過了一兩年我了解到 是主流改變了你,而非你改變了主流。所以我下了個清醒的決定要蟄伏退出一陣。」 : I'm more comfortable now with the idea that you can produce stuff in your : own little area and not get too hung up and whether all the world thinks : it's great. 嗯本來就是這樣吧 不過一旦你晉身過主流的行列要再覺悟這一點是比較不容易的 畢竟你的音樂受過全世界幾十萬人幾百萬人甚至幾千萬人的熱愛 要說完全不在乎未免矯情了...只不過真的要調適之後做音樂的心態吧 : Q:What do you fancy doing next? : J: : Are you asking me out? 哈 Jarvis 還真幽默哩...記者是女的哦^^ : Q:What's the biggest misconception about you? 哦這問題讚...別人對你最大的誤解是什麼? : J: : That I'm miserable. : In the last few years people seem to have decided that I'm miserable. : And I'm not. 哈原來 Jarvis 並不如我們一貫加油添醋移情作用的那麼“慘綠悲慘”哦;) Cheers! 這期 Mojo 真值得買耶 Patsy "Gallagher" -- When everybody agrees with me, I think I must be wrong. --Oscar Wilde -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: