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WEEDS II (the origin of the species) 菸草 貳 (物種的起源) This is the true story of the weeds: the origin of the species. 這是一個關於菸草的真實故事:屬於它的物種起源 A story of cultivation, exploitation, civilisation. 一個涵蓋耕耘、剝削、以及文明的故事 Found flowering on wasteland unnoticed, unofficial, accidental. 它的綻放始被發現於荒原,受人忽略的、非正式的、意外的 A cutting was taken but weeds do not thrive under hothouse conditions 儘管插枝被取走,但煙草並不能在室溫下茂盛繁衍 & wilt when in competition with more exotic strains. 甚至如果跟其他異國品種並置競爭,它便會枯萎凋謝 A charming naivety, very short flowering season; no sooner has the first blooming begun than decay sets in. 迷人的天真,有著非常短暫的開花期,在第一次綻放的同時,腐壞也隨之而來 Bring your camera, take photo of life on the margins. 帶著你的相機,為邊緣的生命留下紀錄吧 Offer money in exchange for sex & then get a taxi home. 或者用金錢換取性愛,然後乘坐計程車回家 The story has always been the same: a source of wonder due to their ability to thrive on poor quality soil offering very little nourishment - drinking 'Nurishment'. 故事總是一樣的:驚豔的來源在於它們能克服僅有些微養分的惡劣土壤,蓬勃生長-- 喝下這些僅存的「營養」吧 But weeds must be kept under strict control or they will destroy everything in their path. 但是菸草必須處於嚴格的管制之下,否則它們會摧毀生長一路上的一切 Growing wild, then harvested in their prime & passed around at dinner parties. 益發蔓延,然後便在全盛期收割,將之散播於那些夜晚的宴會 Care for some weed? 想要來點 weed 嗎? So natural, so wild, so unrefined 這麼樣的自然,這麼樣的野蠻,這麼樣的原始 & someone's gonna make a fortune one day; if only they can market this stuff right. 將來總會有人因此致富,只要他們行銷得當 Come on: do your dance. Come on, do your funny little dance. 來吧,開始起舞。來啊,開始你那小小的奇異的舞 Germination. Plantation. Exploitation. Civilization. 發芽。種植。剝削。文明 A sensational buzz - zzzzzz. 一種逾越感官的快感-滋滋滋滋滋滋 Crop rotation. Genetic modification. 作物輪種。基因改良 The creation of expectation. Ultimate frustration. 期待的塑造。最終的哀悼 This is the story of the weeds: the origin of the species. 這是一個關於菸草的真實故事:屬於它的物種起源 Cheers! Patsy "Gallagher" -- When everybody agrees with me, I think I must be wrong. --Oscar Wilde -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: PatsyGallagh 來自: (11/27 16:01) ※ 編輯: PatsyGallagh 來自: (11/27 16:03) ※ 編輯: PatsyGallagh 來自: (11/27 16:06)
Disco2000:A sensational buzz - zzzzzz. Cheers! 推 11/27
Disco2000:終於長出來了 .... 推 11/27
Razzmatazz:有沒有什麼藥物管制局的快來抓Jarvis喔 推 11/27