看板 Pulp 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大家好啊! 今天金曲獎剛頒完, 雖然不是很相關, 還是恭喜1976獲得[最佳樂團] 從1976-1至不合時宜, 11年了, 真漫長啊! 回到正題, 轉貼一篇新聞跟大家分享, 大意是Jarvis在今年5月時為一綠色組織 [英國國民信託, The National Trust ] 做了一張專輯 National Trust: The Album - Time To Think [國民信託: 專輯-是思考的時候] 收錄鳥聲, 腳步聲等大自然音樂, Jarvis希望創造一張符合假日休閒風的輕鬆背景音樂, 整張專輯可免費下載 http://www.uniquefacilities.com/files/nationaltrust.htm 關於英國國民信託的簡介請見 http://et.e-info.org.tw/node/22 新聞原文(from NME): http://www.nme.com/news/jarvis-cocker/51036 Jarvis Cocker creates free album for National Trust Birdsong-featuring album available as free download now May 12, 2010 Jarvis Cocker has released an album made up of recordings of sounds such as birdsong and footsteps for the National Trust. The record is entitled 'National Trust: The Album' and is available as a free download from Nationaltrust.org.uk now. The album features tranquil sounds recorded at various locations run by the Trust. Sounds include waves lapping on the shore, clocks ticking and ducks flapping in water. "I hope this album is a 'holiday for the ears'," Cocker said. "It's not really meant to be listened to intently, like a piece of music, but more as something to have on in the background to aid relaxation or contemplation." He added: "Plus, you get to visit 13 National Trust properties in the space of 30 minutes. No mean feat. I hope it has the feel of one continuous journey and conjures up an image in the mind's eye of the places featured. I also hope it could inspire the listeners to then visit the sites for themselves." 下面有兩個網友給評論: 其中一個指出這概念很多人搞過了...確實如此 讓我想到我CD櫃中有一張Forest-For the trees 該專輯也是海浪聲等日常生活聽到的大自然聲音 買了多年只聽過2~3次, 實在聽不慣 但無論如何, Jarvis想要訴求愛護地球, 愛護大自然的心意 還是要給予其肯定, 畢竟在[We Love Life]專輯中就已經形成此概念元素 Comments (2) PutPut May 12, 2010 At second glance it's a beautiful idea! shane chauhan May 13, 2010 I think Jarvis is a geniius and can pull this off. However the idea has been done before with the ambient genre and so i think this is just a means for his fans to be exposed to another more undergraound genre of soundscape /ambient/ IDM music 大家有空多討論啊! 也是5月的新聞, 說Jarvis獲得一個獎項 [Sony Rising Star Award], 知道來龍去脈的網友介紹一下吧! 先掰掰囉! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
xianghuahua:恭賀1976! 06/27 19:30