看板 Pulp 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大家好啊! 今天雖然是颱風天(希望大家都平安), 卻是一年一度的賈伯破蛋日 恭喜 賈伯 爸媽於47年前的今天生下他 這個一點都不Common的Common People, 才讓我們可以擁有這麼美好的PULP 祝賀 賈伯 青春永駐 永遠的動作派巨星 生日快樂!!! 開心祝賀之餘, 以下有一則舊聞(文中最後段)提供給大家知道 (也許大家早知了, 我是兩週前從下列網站才知道的 http://www.contactmusic.com/info/jarvis_cocker) Jarvis Cocker Biography Jarvis Cocker (born 19.9.1963) Jarvis Cocker is an English songwriter, singer and musician. He first rose to fame in the 1990s when his band, Pulp, was part of the popular Britpop movement. Jarvis Cocker: Childhood Jarvis Cocker was born in Sheffield, in Northern England. His father, Mac, moved to Sydney, Australia - leaving the family behind. Mac was an actor and a DJ. Jarvis and his sister were raised by their mother, who is now a Conservative councillor. In 1998, Cocker and his sister travelled to Australia to visit their father for the first time. Mac Cocker had sustained a successful radio DJ career (possibly aided by the fact that he encouraged rumours that he was Joe Cocker's brother) and had moved to a hippie commune in Darwin. (所以賈伯是單親家庭囉! 從小都沒跟老爸住一起, 直到1998年才跟老爸見面(那時他都35歲了) At the age of 25, Jarvis Cocker moved to London to study Fine Art and Film at Central St. Martins. He graduated in 1991. (原來賈伯還真的唸過聖馬丁學院, 看來Common People的故事是真實發生過的機率很高) Jarvis Cocker: Music Career 這一段主要介紹Pulp與他單飛的歷史軌跡, 下次有機會再談, 有興趣的版友可以自行觀看 Jarvis Cocker: Personal Life (本文重點) Jarvis Cocker lived in Paris with his wife Camille Bidault-Waddington. They have a son together, Albert, who was born in April 2003. Camille and Jarvis divorced in 2009, on amicable terms. (原來賈伯已經離婚了(恢復單身了), 我都不知道說, 幾年前從版上只知道他結婚了(那時版友還開玩笑說原來賈伯不是Gay), 沒想到他的婚姻已經結束了, 希望真如文章說的他們是平和的分手, 不知道他兒子Albert Cocker長什麼樣子??真好奇 看他的模樣應該可以推測賈伯孩童時期的長相, 網路上好像最多只能找到17,18歲左右的照片) 那就先降子啦! 希望這則消息不會破壞大家幫賈伯慶生的興致... 下次再聊囉! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
TofuPanny:賈伯生日快樂!:D http://bit.ly/ct0pGV Albert 照片 09/20 01:00
misguided:Happy Birthday!!! 09/20 01:06
misguided:小孩超可愛! 09/20 01:06
kevinsigma:最能夠描述你的三個字是Jarvis,Branson,Cocker ,因 09/20 01:13
kevinsigma:為你是獨一無二的,即使像Lord of Britpop這種頭銜加在 09/20 01:14
kevinsigma:你身上都顯的黯淡。 生日快樂,親愛的賈伯。 09/20 01:15
Klinsi:mr cocker生日快樂!:D 09/20 12:57