看板 Pulp 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大家好, 我又來了, 今天跟大家分享一個一點都不新的資料 (相信大部分的賈柏迷一定早就知道了) 賈伯個人Debut Album的CD上, 印刷有一些有趣的文字, 簡單整理如下 (由上而下, 由左至右): On The Use Of This Album (給我看過來) --------------------------------------- Warning! (醜話說在前) JARVIS should not to be used as a sedative or an accompaniment to exercise. (咱不是給你當作催眠曲或運動時助興用) --------------------------------------- You may sit if you wish- kneeling is really not necessary. (小李子, 平身吧!) --------------------------------------- JARVIS can be broken into convenient bite-size pieces but probably works best when swallowed whole (你可以把咱活剝, 但建議生吞更爽) --------------------------------------- Do not adjust your tone control, it's meant to sound like that. It's not LoFi or HiFi-it's MyFi and hopefully YourFi, too (忘記你那高級音響吧, 咱就是這個調調. 既不是低不就 或 高不成-咱是賈伯 快成為咱的跟班吧) --------------------------------------- A song isn't reaaly a song unitl somebody hears it-so thanks for listening (你就是咱的伯樂) ------------------------------------------------- Remember! As always, please do not read the words whilst listening to the recordings. (要咱說幾次, 不要偷看咱的喃喃囈語, 咱個性害羞啦) 亂翻一通, 懇請見諒, 來去也 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
jarvisbrett:不賴 翻的有賈伯的韻味! 10/28 23:27