看板 Python 關於我們 聯絡資訊
2012 十二月份 Python 台北使用者群組聚會 快樂節日冬至前,Python 台北小聚會。這個月文昌為我們請到了在趨勢科技擔任 Architect 的 Walter Liu 來分享網站開發常用的「稍後再做」模式。 2012 最後的 Taipei.py,來同樂吧。 Happy holidays, Python Taipei winter gathering. Walter Liu, Architect in Trend Micro, invited by Wen Chang, will share the common pattern "Do It Later" in web development. Come join us. Program 7:00pm-7:20pm Talk: Celery in the Django (叢林裡的小芹菜) by Walter Liu 7:20pm-7:30pm Questions and Answers by Walter Liu 7:30pm-7:50pm Talk: TBD 7:50pm-8:00pm Questions and Answers by TBD 8:00pm~ Taipei.py Updates, Activities, Free Discussion Talk: Celery in the Django (叢林裡的小芹菜) 很多人都是因為追著蟒蛇誤入叢林,叢林是危機重重的,如何在危險的叢林裏野地求生, 找尋自己的一條生路呢?在此介紹你【芹菜】,芹菜是一個好菜,它健康,它機能性強, 除了幫助你在叢林裏生存,自從我吃了它,我每次考試都考100分。 People are running after python and enter Jungle, There are a lot of crisis in the jungle, so how you survive? We introduce you 'Celery'. It is a nice and healthy and strong! it can help you survive in the Django. After take it, I got A Plus in every examination. About the Speaker: Walter Liu Walter Liu 目前在趨勢科技擔任 Architect,主要擅長 backend service 方面的開發與 架構,因為受到 Python 嚴謹而美的吸引而墮入罪惡的深淵。任勞任怨十項全能,現在正 在鑽研弓道。除此之外,冷笑話的功力也不容小覷。 Walter Liu, Architect in Trend Micro, good at plan and develop backend service. He was charmed by the beauty of Python so fall in love with it badly. He is a man humble and willing to do everything. He is investigating Kyudo now. Further more, he is good at cold joke. About Taipei.py 每個月固定在 Taipei 舉辦的 Python 聚會,歡迎來分享、研究、把玩、認識 Pythonic 五花八門的應用與技術,以及最重要的:Pythonista 們。 We regularly hold Python related seminar for people to meet other people interested in Python and to share their experience, knowledge and all the fun of Python. 時間&地點:12 月 20 日 星期四晚上 7 點 於 果子咖啡 台北市松山區民生東路三段140巷11號 Datetime & Address: Thursday, December 20, 2012 7pm at Gozcafe Lane 140, Section 3, Mínshēng East Rd, Songshan District, Taipei City 注意事項 每人的基本費用是新台幣 150 元,附兩杯飲料; 若需用餐則費用為新台幣 250 元。請於報到時繳交。 因為場地因素,我們將開放有報名的朋友優先入座, 19:15 尚未抵達活動場地者,視同自動放棄並開放候補。 場地有免費無線網路,別忘了可以帶電腦來參加; 有名片也可以準備一下來交朋友。 請各位盡量攜帶延長電源線以免佔用插座。 Notice: The basic fee is NT$ 150 for two cups of drink. If you'd like to have meal, it will be NT$ 250. Please pay your fee at the counter of GozCafe. If you can't attend before 19:15, we'll release your registration to candidates. keitheis ") -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
keitheis:報名請至: 12/10 11:33