看板 Python 關於我們 聯絡資訊
2013 一月份 Python 台北使用者群組聚會 http://registrano.com/events/taipeipy-jan-2013 新年快樂,Python 台北小聚會。這個月文昌為我們請到了 Kilik Kuo 來分享 Python 在物件導向程式設計上處理多重繼承時使用的 Method Resolution Order (MRO) 技巧。 Happy new year, Python Taipei user group first gathering of 2013. Kilik Kuo, invited by Wen Chang, will share the OOP tips about Method Resolution Order (MRO) on multiple inheritance of Python. Program 7:00pm-7:20pm Talk: Big Python - Do you play Super MaRiO? by Kilik Kuo 7:20pm-7:30pm Questions and Answers by Kilik Kuo 7:30pm-7:45pm Lighting Talk: Who's Call 7:30pm~ Taipei.py Updates, Activities, Free Discussion Talk: Big Python - Do you play Super MaRiO? 每個時代都需要一個超級英雄, 每個家族都需要一份遺產分配圖, 每個語言都需要一個超級瑪莉歐(誤)… 跟他做朋友了解他,你會發現家裡水管有人修,路上烏龜都被踩,每個公主都救到喔。 There should be one super hero in every era, every family need a Estate distribution map, every language needs a super MaRio (XD)…. be his friend, understand him. Every tube in your house get fixed, turtle on the road was kicked, every princess saved. About the Speaker: Kilik Kuo Associated Principle Engineer, Cyberlink 進公司前不懂 Python,到現在勉強能夠發正確音「拍桑」~ 目前主要負責 PhotoDirector 系列 AP/System 的開發與架構。 偶爾踏青,玩狗玩貓,還有先別說這個了,你聽過英雄聯盟嗎? Understanding python until getting into my company, Now I can pronounce python correctly and it sounds Pie Sun. I currently take responsible for Photo Director AP/System development and architecture. Interested in going out and seeing some nature, play with my cat and dog. BTW, do you know LOL? Lighting Talk by WhosCall 最近得獎的 WhosCall 團隊會分享他們剛接觸 Python(就得獎)的經驗。 Team of awarded app WhosCall will share their experience as beginner of Python. About Taipei.py 每個月固定在 Taipei 舉辦的 Python 聚會,歡迎來分享、研究、把玩、認識 Pythonic 五花八門的應用與技術,以及最重要的:Pythonista 們。 We regularly hold Python related seminar for people to meet other people interested in Python and to share their experience, knowledge and all the fun of Python. 時間&地點:公元 2013 年 1 月 24 日 星期四晚上 7 點 於 果子咖啡 台北市松山區民生東路三段140巷11號 Datetime & Address: Thursday, January 24, 2013 CE, 7pm at Gozcafe, Lane 140, Section 3, Mínshēng East Rd, Songshan District, Taipei City 注意事項 每人的基本費用是新台幣 150 元,附兩杯飲料;若需用餐則費用為新台幣 250 元。請於報到時繳交。 因為場地因素,我們將開放有報名的朋友優先入座,19:15 尚未抵達活動場地者,視同自動放棄並開放候補。 場地有免費無線網路,別忘了可以帶電腦來參加;有名片也可以準備一下來交朋友。 請各位盡量攜帶延長電源線以免佔用插座。 Notice: The basic fee is NT$ 150 for two cups of drink. If you'd like to have meal, it will be NT$ 250. Please pay your fee at the counter of GozCafe. If you can't attend before 19:15, we'll release your registration to candidates. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: keitheis 來自: (01/21 21:53)