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※ [本文轉錄自 C_Chat 看板] 作者: bladesinger (失寵) 看板: C_Chat 標題: [閒聊] 戰鎚40k 帝皇語錄 時間: Sun Jun 21 11:19:01 2009 取自DoW I主選單隨機出現的語錄,部份個人重新翻譯過(我覺得遊戲翻錯了) 讚美帝皇! For The Emperor! 死亡為汝之羅盤. Death be thy compass. 令帝皇的旨意成為你的火炬,破除眼前的陰影. Carry the Emperor's will as your torch, with it destroy the shadows. 有福者不識懷疑滋味. Blessed is the mind too small for doubt. 承認失敗就是褻瀆帝皇. To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor. 祈禱淨化靈魂,而痛苦則淨化身體. Prayer cleanses the soul, but pain cleanses the body. 僅有帝皇是我們唯一的庇護與保護者. There is only the Emperor, and he is our shield and protector. 微渺的心靈容易充滿忠實信念. A small mind is easily filled with faith. 對那些不斷要求完美的人而言,在未踏進墳墓之前永無喘息之日. For those who seek perfection there can be no rest this side of the grave. 異端與背叛的分野是無知. The difference between heresy and treachery is ignorance. 想法導致異端,異端招致懲罰. Thought begets Heresy; Heresy begets Retribution. 知識是力量,好好保護它. Knowledge is power, guard it well. (在資料片中,智庫館長台詞改為"Knowledgr,hide it well") 小的心靈為精簡的心靈. A small mind is a tidy mind. 開放的心靈是沒有門與守衛的城堡. 開放的心靈是座大門敞開以及沒有護衛的城堡.(我流) An open mind is like a fortress with its gate unbarred and unguarded. 寧願身有殘缺不願心靈墮落. 身有殘疾勝於心靈腐化(我流) Better crippled in body than corrupt in mind. 希望是不幸的開端. Hope is the beginning of unhappiness. 若一份工作值得你去做,它便值得你為它而死. If a job's worth doing it's worth dying for. 無知不能證明任何事. Innocence proves nothing. 笨的問題只有傻子會問第二次. Only the awkward question; only the foolish ask twice. 疼痛是感官的幻覺,絕望是心靈的幻覺. Pain is an illusion of the senses, despair an illusion of the mind. 成功是值得紀念的,而失敗僅會被記取. Success is commemorated; Failure merely remembered. 智者由他人的死亡學習. The wise man learns from the deaths of others. 智慧是恐懼之源. Wisdom is the beginning of fear. 熱忱是它本身的理由. Zeal is its own excuse. 勝利不需要解釋,失敗不容許解釋. Victory needs no explanation, defeat allows none. 知己知彼,百戰百勝. 知己知變種,百戰百勝(我流) Know the mutant; kill the mutant. 死神是正義的僕人. Death is the servant of the righteous. 熱忱沒有藉口. 狂熱不需藉口(我流) Zeal is no excuse. 我的盔甲已蒙羞. My armour is contempt. 無知是種美德. Ignorance is a virtue. 智者無懼,懼者不思. A wise man does not fear, a man afraid does not think. 一無所有的人還有命一條. Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life. 唯有死亡才算是責任的尾聲. Only in death does duty end. 藉口是弱者的避難所. Excuses are the refuge of the weak. 殺,殺,殺. Kill, kill, kill. 信念是你的庇護. Faith is your shield. 生靈渴求救贖. All souls cry out for salvation. 沒有他,就沒有這一切. Without Him there is nothing. 詛咒是永遠的. Damnation is eternal. 停下並悔悟. Cease and Repent. 屈服於他的意志. Submit to His will. 意志的純潔. 意圖的純潔(我流) Purity of purpose. 詛咒徒然的死亡. Curse now the death in vain. 他的目標已達城. 他的意志已達成 His will be done. 為祂效勞而死並不枉然. No man died in His service that died in vain. 嫌惡的撤回並不代表冷漠. To withdraw in disgust is not apathy. 僅有失敗是令人害怕的. There is nothing to fear but failure. 慈悲是弱者的標誌. Mercy is a sign of weakness. 沒有決心的心靈彷彿在黑暗的荒原游盪. A mind without purpose will wander in dark places. 希望即是踏上失望之路的第一步. Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment. 事實真相是主觀的. Truth is subjective. 沒有執行的信念便沒有價值. Faith without deeds is worthless. 沒有人是無辜的,僅是有罪程度的差別而已. Nobody is innocent, there are merely varying levels of guilt. 改革的開始是革命的開始. Beginning reform is beginning revolution. 教育沒有信念的人,則你不過是把他們變成精明的惡魔. Educate men without faith and you but make them clever devils. 寬恕是弱者的標誌. Forgiveness is a sign of weakness. 努力的工作能征服一切. Hard work conquers everything. 毅力和沉靜是最高的美德. Perseverance and silence are the highest virtues. 成功衡量於你或敵人所流的血量多寡. Success is measured in blood; yours or your enemy's. 仁慈是弱者的標誌. Leniency is a sign of weakness. 憎恨是帝皇給人民最大的禮物. Hatred is the Emperor's greatest gift to humanity. 寬宏的行為是弱者的標誌. Magnanimity is a sign of weakness. 汝等不可. Thou shalt not. 一無所有的人仍有信念. The man who has nothing can still have faith. 憐憫是弱者的標誌. Compassion is a sign of weakness. 以無知讓你更堅強. Be strong in your ignorance. 疑慮是弱者的標誌. Doubt is a sign of weakness. 寬廣的心靈缺乏專注. A broad mind lacks focus. 寬容是弱者的標誌. Tolerance is a sign of weakness. 有限的視野可看的得更好. A narrow view sees better. 絕望是弱者的標誌. Despair is a sign of weakness. 烈士的鮮血是帝國的種子. The blood of martyrs is the seed of the Imperium. 燒死異教徒. Burn the heretic. 殺戮變種人. Kill the mutant. 淨化污穢. Purge the unclean. 檢視你的想法. Examine your thoughts. 今日為你的帝皇盡忠,因為也許明天你將死去. Serve the Emperor today, tomorrow you may be dead. 遵守命令. Obey your orders. 為你的帝皇犧牲好過為你自己活著. It is better to die for the Emperor than to live for yourself. 質疑即懷疑. To question is to doubt. 真正的智者總是恐懼. The truly wise are always afraid. 畏懼否決信念. Fear denies faith. 決不遺忘,絕不原諒. Never forget, never forgive. 帝皇就是一切. Only the Emperor is all. 帝皇已經知道,且在監看中. The Emperor knows, the Emperor is watching. 生命是監獄,死亡是解脫. Life is a prison, death a release. 多疑的心靈是健全的心靈. A suspicious mind is a healthy mind. 安逸生異端. Heresy grows from idleness. 生命是帝皇的貨幣,善用它. Life is the Emperor's currency, spend it well. 今非昔比. That was then, this is now. 愚蠢的人不懼怕任何事,卻聲稱知道一切. Foolish are those who fear nothing, yet claim to know everything. 勇者是知道一切事卻無所畏懼. Brave are they who know everything yet fear nothing. 冷酷是智者的仁慈. Ruthlessness is the kindness of the wise. 懂得畏懼比快樂更好. It is better for a man to be afraid than happy. 快樂是弱者的錯覺. Happiness is a delusion of the weak. 真正的快樂根源於責任. True happiness stems only from duty. 服侍他即崇敬他. To serve Him is to worship Him. 忠貞的奴僕會學習愛上鞭笞. The loyal slave learns to love the lash. 勞動即救贖. Work earns Salvation. 勞動就是禱求. Work is Prayer. 保持沉默者表示贊成. He who keeps silent consents. 真相招致仇恨。. Truth begets hatred. 看完大概也知道人類帝國長啥樣了 (上述言論被審判庭依照叛教罪名處以火刑) -- Time is not your enemy, forever is. Fall-from-Grace -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
wizardfizban:這些話證明了 人類天生是M 如果不是M 那你是異端 06/21 11:27
chiasuper: For The Emperor!!!! 06/21 11:35
Nashooko:應該說:人類就得是M!如果不是M,那你是異端XD 06/21 11:36
KoowKyyyhsak:難怪某戰團這麼愛加班加到死XD 06/21 12:39
arrakis:哈哈哈 XD 06/21 12:46
biglafu:某戰團這麼愛加班是因自我滿足  不是因為自虐... 06/21 13:29
hermis:老實說我看不出有什麼差別wwww 06/21 13:48
biglafu:因為最愛自虐的寶座是給別的戰團(無誤) 06/21 13:56
Leeng:Thou shalt not pass! 06/21 18:06
biglafu:Thou shalt kill. 06/21 18:21
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kuninaka:應該某些是狂熱者自己掰的吧 06/22 09:38
biglafu:=================一個帝皇 各自表述=================== 06/23 00:38
doomhammer:praise the emperor! 06/23 07:19
Allensph:Forward you dogs, to victory! 06/24 21:14