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### 123.txt comment: "it is nice and great" comment: "it is nice" comment: "it is great:" ### main.r test=readLines("C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\123.txt") sapply(test, function(v) { tmp = strsplit(v, " ")[[1]] c(tmp[1], paste(tmp[2:length(tmp)], collapse = " "))}) Result: [1,] "comment:" "comment:" [2,] "\"it is nice and great\"" "\"it is nice\"" [1,] "comment:" [2,] "\"it is great:\"" Note: 如果不要什麼,就用gsub取代成""就好 ※ 引述《ryansun (sun)》之銘言: : 請問我有一段話 形式大概如這樣 : comment: "it is nice and great" : 想把comment與"it is nice and great"分別存在兩個變數裡 : 我試著用下列code做 : test=readLines("123.txt") : strsplit(test, " ") : 但結果是只要遇到空白就會切開 : [1] "comment:" "\"it" "is" "nice" "and" "great\"" : 有什麼方法是讀到第一個空白處才會分割 後面就不會繼續切下去 : 謝謝指教 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: celestialgod 來自: (03/17 00:06)
ryansun:謝謝您! 我再好好研究 03/17 10:12