看板 Railway 關於我們 聯絡資訊
倫敦地鐵新增一種使服務中斷的原因 叫做"控制室淹混凝土" http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/jan/23/ londons-victoria-line-suspended-after-control-room-is-flooded-with-cement 縮: http://ppt.cc/sgcI (有兩張圖) London's Victoria line suspended after control room is flooded with cement 控制室淹混凝土之後 倫敦(地鐵)維多利亞線停駛 Tube officials confirm reports that cement leaked into control room when contractors were working nearby 官方已經證實"當包商在附近施工時 有混凝土漏進控制室" (這是小標題 以下內文) A new category of problem caused tube services to be disrupted in central London on Thursday: quick-drying concrete over the controls. Most of the Victoria line was closed from around 1.40pm after private contractors working on the £700m rebuilding of Victoria Station for London Underground managed to pour large quantities of water and cement into a signal control room. The damaged equipment meant there were no working signals on the southern section of the line, and services were suspended between Brixton and Warren Street stations. According to the unidentified person who sent photos to usvsth3m.com, several rows of relay equipment were submerged in concrete. Tube workers clearing up at the scene said the contractors, VINCI BAM Nuttall, appeared to have poured concrete into a void in an escalator machine room that burst through into the signal equipment room with a flood up to a foot (30cm) deep. Power and signalling was switched off for safety reasons. Passengers were initially told the closure was due to "flooding" at Victoria Station. Nigel Holness, London Underground's operations director, said: "This afternoon our contractors were working on the new station in an area next to the Victoria line signal control room. These works involved the use of water and cement, which leaked into the room, damaging equipment. This has meant there are no signals working on the southern section of the line." He said engineers were working hard to resolve the situation to get services back up and running, but the line was expected to be affected for the remainder of the day while repairs were carried out. Passengers were diverted to other lines and replacement buses. -- 慘.... 這是1/23的事 看板上沒有人貼就貼來了 --    ◤██▂▅ ◢_▁▂▃▅▇   ◤█◢   ◢_▁▂▃▅▇  ◤███◢ ◢  ▁▃▅▇ ◤█◢     ◢▁▃▅▇ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: dn890221:轉錄至看板 MRT 01/29 23:15
globalhawk:納利颱風的時候北捷行控也曾經躲過淹水 XD 01/29 23:17
purpleboy01:淹混凝土太慘了= = 01/29 23:20
dn890221:北捷行控那次聽說是從台鐵淹來的 南港機廠瘋狂送車到北投 01/29 23:21
hicker:不只是台鐵 總共有好幾股大水衝進捷運系統 01/29 23:32
hicker:台鐵這部份記得是由已廢棄的華山東出口湧到台鐵月台 01/29 23:33
hicker:再經由月台到三鐵轉乘區再淹進淡水線月台並開始積水 01/29 23:34
hicker:另一股是由基隆河的堤防缺口衝進昆陽站並衝進捷運軌道 01/29 23:34
hicker:然後 台北車站站前廣場當時正在開挖施工 01/29 23:35
hicker:又一股水從這邊衝下來淹進板南線月台 01/29 23:36
evilcherry:繼不好種類的雪後…… 01/29 23:38
hicker:修正第二行 當時是從松山車站淹進台鐵隧道到台北車站 01/29 23:42
liyuoh:...我很沒良心的笑了 01/30 06:33
li7915566:馬囧: 01/30 10:11
Auslayer:乾掉就要用敲的了... 01/30 17:13
globalhawk:除了送車出去外 ... 記得那時報導還有寫行控忙著搬設備 01/30 17:27
mstar:這個比淹水還嚴重啊... orz 不過至少不會淹太深 01/30 18:00
li7915566:馬桶的疏洪道 01/30 23:13