看板 Railway 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://tinyurl.com/yd29wyjf ITALIAN State Railways (FS) subsidiary Mercitalia unveiled its new Mercitalia Fast high-speed rail freight service at an event at the company’s Caserta Marcianise terminal north of Naples on October 29. From November 7, Mercitalia Fast services will operate nightly between Monday and Friday, linking the Caserta terminal with the Interporto hub in Bologna in 3h 30min. The services will be operated by a 12-car ETR 500 train which has been modified to transport 70x80x180 roll containers. According to Mercitalia the train will accommodate a payload equivalent to 18 articulated lorries and is expected to eliminate 9000 lorry movements a year on the north – south A1 highway. “Mercitalia Fast will be the first freight service to use the national high-speed network,” says Mercitalia CEO, Mr Marco Gosso. “Our goal is to offer a tailor-made service to those customers who need to deliver goods quickly, reliably and on time, attributes that are increasingly in demand with the e-commerce boom. Today we are the only operator able to offer such an innovative service.” 義大利貨物鐵道將自11月7日起開行高鐵貨物列車 每周一至周五晚上開行,來往拿坡里北邊的Caserta宇波隆那貨物站 單程約3.5小時 使用改裝的12輛編成ETR-500列車,裝載70x80x180大小的貨櫃 輸送力相當於卡車18輛,每年可減少A1高速公路卡車9000輛 -- メカクシ団 No.2 瀬戸幸助☆ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Railway/M.1540989474.A.AA3.html
PHb787: 好奇營運速度是多少? 10/31 20:44
keita2277: 捷爾北是不是也要了?! 10/31 20:45
mingchaoliu: TGV La Poste還只是送快遞郵件的 10/31 21:01
Everforest: 貨物新幹線快加入 10/31 21:05
cutec: 過幾年La Post可能就會慢慢停用且消失。 10/31 21:32
komachi275: la post跟著母車一起退吧? 10/31 22:25
wiiseen: 台高要不要也來一下 10/31 22:44
jason820514: 台高來幹嘛 浪費錢嗎 10/31 23:03
ericyo: 台灣這麼小你光把貨載到高鐵站再取回來上下貨的時間開車都 10/31 23:09
ericyo: 到了 10/31 23:09
traystien: 台灣是時機過了,不然宅配剛起步時其實可以用貨櫃串連 11/01 00:20
traystien: 北中南各地的集貨中心轉運... 現在集貨中心都建置起來 11/01 00:21
traystien: 了,要在合作重覆投資的成本太高.. 11/01 00:21
NipponKitano: https://youtu.be/M99zbuUA7Xs 最高時速300KM/H 11/01 05:46
komachi275: 台高嚴格說也有啊...電話亭塞滿滿包裹 11/01 16:18
kkStBvasut: TGV La Poste已經結束營業了 11/02 05:30