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有雷,所以沒在追「川普洛城:我很有錢我家都是大明星。」秀的板友別進來看噢乖。 Fired Apprentice Carey will line of suits, “surprised” at Trump’s gay questions from "Reality Blurred" On last Sunday’s episode of The Apprentice 6, Donald Trump fired one of the two openly gay candidates (maybe that was yet another twist: two gay people), Carey Sherrell. As to the fact that Trump fired two black candidates back-to-back, one of whom was gay, Carey tells AfterElton.com, “Somebody said to me yesterday, you had two strikes against you already, and I said what are the strikes? You ’re gay and you’re black. … I’ve gotten a lot of questions about ‘do you think it’s good for the show that two black people got fired back to back?’ Does that make Trump Co. racist or this or that? Personally, I think it’s just business, but in the public’s eye, it doesn’t look good for the show.” Of Trump’s questions about his sexual orientation, Carey said, “I was completely surprised. I didn’t know what that had to do with the task or what it had to do with business. What does it have to do with anything? It’s like asking somebody, Are you a smoker? Why is that relevant to what we’re doing right now?” He also says, “I don’t think it’s an appropriate question at all.” The questions were ostensibly about a swimsuit Carey designed, which basically looked like a pair of short, square, tight, pink boxer-briefs. Trump said, “There’s a difference between a pink tie and a pink bathing suit in Trump world.” Carey said they were targeting a gay market, which Trump didn’t seem to buy. Carey says that the show “neglected to give you a lot of information. They needed to let you guys see who Trina Turk really is, the fact that she has this crazy, high-end boutique with a unique style. Trina Turk’s stuff is wild, but it’s fresh and it’s cool. … And they indicate that they have a store in Palm Springs , and at the Palm Springs store, 50 percent of their main consumers were gay. So it made perfect sense to us to design a bathing suit that would sell in her store that would be inclusive of all the consumers that would shop at her store.” He also says that “I hate to be that guy who goes on a reality show then says, ‘Oh, they edited me to look really bad,’ but tell the truth.” In addition to editing out their research, he says the editing ignored how much he resisted modeling the suit, both in the workroom and in the show. Carey, by the way, plans to sell bathing suits like the one that Trump used as an excuse to fire him. He tells TV Guide, “We are going head-to-head with Trump by showing him that there is a marketplace for that ‘loser bathing suit,’ as he called it. We’re designing some suits right now, and BlueMotionSquared.com is the name of the line. We’re going to show Trump that we are a force to be reckoned with. Feb. 1 is the launch date, and it will be really cool stuff, with cool people behind it.” 說真的看到這篇文章,我覺得Carey 很衰洨。XD Carey 他們有做功課耶,還有去Trina Turk的店看看。有注意到一半的顧客都是gay, 真是難為他們隊了。XD 本季真是波濤洶湧,川普秀一堆lawsuits哪。(茶) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Raul303:最波濤洶湧還是Trump vs. Rosie 希望一直吵下去阿 01/23 10:27
hamilton:不過我覺得Casey本來就是行銷出身的 當然市調是必做的吧 01/23 11:38
nopeeking:是啊,可是剪接沒剪出來,對他真的很不公平@@ 01/23 16:28