看板 Realityshow 關於我們 聯絡資訊
雖然第六季昨天在台灣才開始撥,不過已經有很多人看到第七季了吧。 所以我就先Post上來了。 ---------沒有節目雷,但有後續消息------------------- Sara Albert, the D.C. policy wonk who found whirlwind fame and an unexpected newcareer via "America's Next Top Model" last year, has fled the shallow rat raceof L.A.'s actress/model scene for the calmer pace and down-home values of . . .uh, well, anyway, she's moved back to Washington."My life's in D.C.," she told us. "Modeling wasn't enough for me."The '05 Georgetown grad, who was discovered by casting agents at Fashion Centreat Pentagon City, nearly won the Tyra Banks reality show (one gushing judgecalled the volleyball player a "6-foot-1 Scarlett Johansson!"). It inspired herto quit her research job at Advisory Board Co. last spring and pack her bags forL.A., where she signed with Elite and dyed her naturally blond tresses adramatic chocolate brown.She had fun and found work but was worn down by the long hours, wearying traveland endless auditions. "It's a really difficult industry," she said. "Everyother person you talk to is an aspiring actress or model. It's a very saturatedmarket. You feel replaceable. I don't want to feel like in my career that I'mreplaceable -- I want to feel like I can be loyal to an organization and it willbe loyal to me."Sound like a job hunter? Albert starts a temp job this week as a legal assistantfor a lobbying association, but she's still floating the rAcsumAc. Meanwhile,she's thrilled to be back with boyfriend John Hallmark (a Hill staffer andfellow Hoya) -- and back to being a blonde."The whole being-in-L.A., being-a-brunette thing -- it's not who I really am." 出處: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/01/19/AR2007011900081.html -------------- 簡單的說,就是Sara(第六季)簽給Elite公司後,受不了工作時間過長、無法做自己,而且 覺得Model這個行業的太容易被取代,不是安全的工作,決定放棄Model事業。 -- 剛開始時誰都無力而頹廢 不死身的勇者,名聞遐邇的鍊金術士,王室料理人..... 剛開始時都渺小而無助,只是極為普通的凡人 然而,他們抱持著比誰都更強烈的夢想與希望,無止境地追求. 因此他們才能成為英名震天,後世永留芳的偉人. 所以 只要永不放棄追尋,夢想 有一天終會實現 ---Atelier Elie 1997 GUST -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
velspa:不錯,這麼快就認清現實了。 01/28 15:36
detox:"不是安全的工作"什麼意思??? 01/28 15:43
aa7890:應該是說不是長久穩定的吧(回樓上) 01/28 15:51
cilica:就是太容易被取代了啊,Model那麼多,出頭不容易 01/28 15:55
cilica:淘汰只是早晚問題 01/28 15:56
detox:嗯嗯 01/28 16:22
kowei526:天啊好難過..不過她開心就好了. 01/30 14:06
roxey:也難怪在比賽的時候.大家都說他不夠決心..這下倒是應驗了 03/07 05:31