看板 Realityshow 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這是官方的預告描述 不過根據這集(811)的預告來看 有些人是誰很明顯了... 以下是原文 The final four models visit with Aboriginal teachers for a lesson on self-expression and storytelling. That night, they go out on the town in Sydney, but one model stays home sick and the others take the opportunity to talk behind her back. At the photo shoot, each girl expresses herself through Aboriginal dance, wearing traditional clothing and body paint. One girl complains bitterly about dancing while another embraces it. At elimination, Tyra asks each model who they think has the most potential, and things get heated when one model is verbally attacked. The judges send one girl home. 反正下週的拍攝又是跟舞蹈有關(又完沒完) 而且也會上演『大家來評審』的戲碼 不過這集讓我在意的點是原文第二段的那天晚上開始 有個模特兒生病呆在家裡 然後其他的模特兒趁機說他壞話 從預告看的出來 生病的是nata 說別人壞話的是renee 然後又看到最後 評審要他們互相評審耶.......... :S 突然覺得整個情勢對nata很不利 ˊˋ 不過走了britt 又有誰會抱怨呢? 私心期待是dionne XD 然後被sent home 畢竟jas也算中間膚色 有了他也算有了有色人種 囧 在這邊默默集氣 nata 你一定要前三啊~~!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ph777:dani出國後也生病...期待nata.得冠軍 05/03 18:28
DUMBO110427:想到上週無麻醉拔牙我就覺得痛 光這點就讓他TOP3吧! 05/03 18:30