看板 Realityshow 關於我們 聯絡資訊
In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since. 是的,這是《大亨小傳》(The Great Gatsby)的第一句話。而今年在AI,我們沒有 大亨,只有被大家批評「喘氣很大聲,好傻好天真」的The Great Gaspy,David Archuleta。 該怎樣形容Archie的聲音呢?他的聲音有很強大的力量。那個力量是超越他年紀的賦 予。聽他唱歌,雖然聲音不是非常漂亮完美,但是他有種下凡的天使,secular angelic voice. 第一次聽到他唱Imagine,第一句就讓我雞皮疙瘩都上來。我記得我那時候在倫敦的 朋友家裡,清晨的房間裡,小弟的歌聲讓沒有暖氣的房間都顯得溫暖。 我喜歡他有脆弱的時候。雖然我也一度對他感到厭倦。但是脆弱的時候,我會想起, 啊這個孩子才壹拾柒。他背後的父親,不管是好是壞,可以想見對他期望之深。 今天的final,小弟火力全開。我喜歡他這樣奮力一搏的神情。眼光也都全都不一樣。 He is young, and he is vulnerable, but he is ready for this world. 不管最後結果是什麼,thank you, Archuleta, you’ve brought me a wonderful night, and I am so proud of you. And I guess we all are. -- "If someone has ever said these things to us while we were still virgins, we might have been supermodels or superstars." "Oh, I've never imagined myself being a virgin anyway." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: POYUANG 來自: (05/22 08:57)
mistylake:對啊 小弟昨天真的是有拼了的感覺 大廚感覺有點混.. 05/22 08:58
cicci2005:小弟加油! 05/22 08:59
gjiove:我不覺得大廚有混喔,他只是沒有選那種很比賽的歌曲而已 05/22 09:00
wwa:感覺他只是沒有選那種很比賽的歌曲+1 05/22 09:01
ladyluck:我也覺得昨天大廚不是混,而是選歌不適合AI 05/22 09:34
ladyluck:P大真是真情流露啊!祝福小弟囉 05/22 09:35
LPPB:結束了。(sigh) 05/22 10:17
POYUANG:hey, but we are so proud of David Archuleta. 05/22 10:20
ladyluck:yeah the lil brother camp should be proud of him 05/22 10:21
POYUANG:WE ARE! WE ALL ARE!!!(挺) 05/22 10:21
sonybmg:小弟要加油!!公司一定好好待你.. 05/22 10:34
alibuda007:索尼逼恩居大說到要做到啊 大廚也要好好做啦 05/22 11:10
alibuda007:這屆這兩個都不錯 05/22 11:10
thenone:麻煩順便幫My Man Lewis好好重新處理,我真是不忍於心> < 05/22 11:50
stopthemob:好深情,推一下@@ 05/22 13:03
aides:Thank you. We are proud of being David Archuleta's fans. 05/22 13:40
LPPB:會長現身了! 05/22 13:42
libertine:we ALL are 4 Archie!!! 05/22 14:24
aides: we ALL are 4 Archie!!! (大嬸!!!!) 05/22 14:25
LPPB: we ALL are 4 Archie!!! 05/22 14:27
skybrest: we ALL are 4 Archie!!! 05/22 14:33
POYUANG: we ALL are 4 Archie!!! 05/22 18:00
tenoe: we ALL are 4 Archie!!! 但大廚也很棒了!很久沒看到,這 05/22 18:01
tenoe: we ALL are 4 Archie!!! 麼勢均力敵的final 2了 05/22 18:02
POYUANG: we ALL are 4 Archie!!! 實在同意今年兩人表現都出色。 05/22 18:52
mikachen: we ALL are 4 Archie!!! 今年決賽超好看!! 05/22 20:54
aides: we ALL are 4 Archie!!! Archie, I love you!!!!!!!!!!! 05/22 20:56
kasho: we ALL are 4 Archie!!! Finale他令我感動,真像天使!! 05/23 00:20
DavidCook:we ALL are 4 Archie!!! He is an angel!! 05/23 00:21
dk99:希望對您有幫助 http://go2.tw/goz 10/07 20:12