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Ace 因為喝醉酒打女人跟警察被捕...還不時喊 "I'm famous!" 囧 http://www.tmz.com/2008/11/17/survivor-arrested-not-immune-from-the-booze/ Posted Nov 17th 2008 12:54PM by TMZ Staff "Survivor" Arrested -- Not Immune from the Booze Ace Gordon celebrated being voted off on "Survivor: Gabon" with a drunken boozefest that reportedly ended in a throwdown with the cops. Gordon was busted early Sunday morning for disorderly intoxication, obstruction of an officer and resisting arrest without violence after reportedly being tossed out of a bar in Naples, Fla. for striking a woman. According to the Naples Daily News, Gordon was also aggressive towards an officer while being escorted out the bar and was thrown to the ground in order to be handcuffed. The NDN also reports Ace "repeatedly told deputies he was famous." The guy you'll never hear about again was released from Collier County jail on Sunday. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
fanfan0311:http://dlisted.com/node/29328 這篇寫的很機車又好笑 11/18 15:25
loseaguy:網頁下面的評論很好笑 XD He didn't even make the jury 11/18 15:26
tim2502:XDDDDD 11/18 15:44
zackia:原來cocky男這麼高調 一整個人就是一個字condescending! 11/18 15:53
cleance:這樣他就沒有辦法參加REUNION了 11/18 16:02
greenH:沒有鬍渣的時候根本是個老頭 11/18 22:51
scream1215:終於有人貼這個新聞了,報導附的大頭照很XDD 11/19 02:42