看板 Realityshow 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我對這個系列已經完全失去任何信心。 I mean, Oh My God This Man may be facing another round of bankruptcy. 到底是夠了沒啊,NBC還想擺個禮拜天兩個小時給這種鬼東西? Apprentice bloating to two hours http://0rz.tw/d458v Had enough of The Don? Well too bad, you're getting more. NBC is letting Donald Trump take over its Sunday nights with the next season of his reality show The Apprentice. 受夠穿普了嗎?科科,再來是更多的穿普。NBC不只禁止國外觀看SNL短片,還讓 穿普在週日晚上肆虐整整兩個小時,他的一群接班人。 Each episode will be boosted to two hours, says TV Week, and will help NBC save some money (by not having to produce something else, like something worth watching) in these penny-pinching times. 每週都會整整變大一倍。NBC可以省錢。 "Donald has always felt the boardrooms were too short, and I think he's right," producer Mark Burnett said. "Right now, there's really only about nine minutes of footage that we use and the boardroom [scenes] go on for hours sometimes. The problem has been trying to squeeze it all in. Every season we go through the struggle of cutting the show down." 夭壽鬼Mark Burnett表示,穿普總是覺得BR時間太短,他是對的。 (對個鬼啦,之前正常型TA就已經把比賽謀略時間剪到亂七八糟,越剪越短,都不 知道是在看TA還是在看ANTM了。) However, according to one source, NBC only recently asked Burnett for double the time--a problem since the show had already wrapped filming. Burnett, on the other hand, says NBC has been toying with the idea for some time now and they're well prepared to fill two hours. If they do have trouble going long, they can always just add an hour of dramatic music and soap-opera-style zooms before Trump cans someone. 不過有消息說,NBC在TA已經拍完之後才要求的。反正沒差,如果真的要膨脹到2小時的 話,啊就把某個要被炒掉前,鏡頭伸來伸去搞得跟肥皂劇一樣就搞定了,兩小時是多麻 煩。 This year's version of the show will once-again be celeb-injected, with model Kathy Ireland, former Superman Dean Cain, rocker Gene Simmons, 90210's Jennie Garth, The View's Star Jones, and boxer Sugar Ray Leonard among those who will be competing against one another. 這次呢,跟上季一樣找來一群過氣藝人比賽,wait for what? oh yeah, right, craving for attention. Com'on!!!!! Two hours of The Apprentice? Is this a victory or your worst nightmare? 這絕對是整整兩小時的折磨。 -- 翻譯完全不負責信雅達。 -- Utopos, meaning the good place, also, the place cannot be. Pathway Towards Freedom http://blog.pixnet.net/morissett -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
loseaguy:頭推! 12/04 18:09