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今天心血來潮孤狗So you think you can dance最新消息, 發現第九季將改成每週只有一集,也就是沒有result show了. 基本上這節目能撐到現在實屬不易, 感覺第九季應該會是窮途末路了. 第九季的海選已經開始, 以下是關於resut show被取消的新聞正文連結.剛好塞滿一行不縮了: http://www.tvline.com/2012/01/nigel-so-you-think-can-dance-changes-season-9/ 新聞不長,轉貼如下: Fox has pulled the rug out from under So You Think You Can Dance. Nigel Lythgoe announced on Sunday that Dance‘s weekly results show has been axed. “Fox [has] canceled the results show so I will have to change the format of SYTYCD,” the show’s executive producer and judge shared via Twitter. "At least we have [a ninth] season at the end of May.” “I’m certainly not mad at Fox — they have supported SYTYCD FOR 9 seasons,” Lythgoe added. “With the help of Mike Darnell [Fox's president of Alternative Entertainment]. I think we have some great new ideas.” Despite the drastic change in the dance competition’s two-night format, Lythgoe urged fans, “Don’t worry…. We’ll do our best to find some great talent starting next week in Atlanta.” The show’s most recent finale drew just over 6 million total viewers and a 2.1 demo rating, down 13 percent year-over-year. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ShiningRuby 來自: (02/09 14:55)
bsnyyp:每次看Result Show都快轉 只會看團舞跟淘汰 02/09 15:24
Jeffrey06:那淘汰是下禮拜公佈嗎??? 02/09 23:44
沒有result show,應該就只能下週公布吧, 或者是取消觀眾票選,每集尾聲讓評審當場定生死. 再不然就是不每週踢人,改採積分制,所有人留著比完全程,等finale再比積分. ※ 編輯: ShiningRuby 來自: (02/10 01:48)
colalalala:Nigelg說可能改成下週節目最後公佈上週票選結果 02/11 22:26
libertine:那要被淘汰的人都還要練新舞不很奇怪嗎 02/13 12:14
colalalala:好像是說評審砍人的時候會一併考慮本周表現 02/16 13:23