看板 Realityshow 關於我們 聯絡資訊
ANYWAY...不知道何時已經養成看實境節目都要先找雷的壞習慣 可能被某幾季"開高走低"的局勢弄得很不爽吧 所以乾脆先找雷,以免結果不好最後失望太大 >< <空一頁以免有人誤入> 這些雷的起源是有美國網友在SURVIVOR拍攝期間於Manila旅遊拍到了參賽者逛街的照片 還有偷拍到參賽者在permerge ponderosa跟 final 3前往最終JURY會場的照片 (謎之聲: 到底為何每季都會有這種網友剛好拍到照片??? 根本就是工作人員吧!!!) 總之這網友將照片上傳,美國SURVIVOR粉絲們根據各種小道消息瘋狂推測 所以有以下的雷,有些很確定,但大多都還是推測而已,請大家酌情觀看 1.Laura B and Candice are voted out immediately. Rupert trades spots with his wife, John does not. Rupert/Candice go to RI. Laura B joins Galang (正確) 2.Galang wins the first IC. Marissa is voted out. (正確) 3.Marissa and Candice defeat Rupert in the first truel. 4.John/Rachel or Laura B is voted out in episode 2 depending on which tribe wins immunity. 5.Rachel is not in the later half of the pre merge, and does not do well in a challenge. 6.Colton was still in the game after Kat, Candice and John were out of it. 7.Marissa (or Gervase if he swaps with her) is the RI returnee 8.Premerges (in any order): Brad, Candice, Colton, John, Kat, Laura B., Rachel Rupert 9.Jurors (in any order): Vytas, Aras, Ciera, Tina, Katie, Laura M, Hayden, Caleb and Marissa. 10.Hayden lasts long and finishes in 4th place. 11.F3: Tyson, Gervase, Monica. (據說照片有照到Tyson,其它兩位是推測出來的) 12.Tyson is supposed to be a winner. (X的,關電視~!!) 結論:...無comments...個人一直都不是很愛Tyson,不知道CBS為何找他回來這麼多次 如果他真的贏了那也恭喜他了,跟Rob一樣玩到最後終於贏了 另外原本其實是有RC跟她爸爸的,但她爸因為身體健康問題不得不退出 所以找了Candice跟她老公...不過Candice真的是大target... 雖然我很希望看她走到最後,但實在很難 還有Hayden竟然第4名?? 不會又跟BB12季一樣搞個無趣的全男聯盟還沒人發現吧? 再補個卦,Colton quits again this season -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: GuoJee 來自: (09/21 00:37)
fhcrc:Colton馬上原形畢露開始大抱怨...趕快送走他吧 09/21 01:37
robin5152001:我覺得Candice很難走到最後,看她前2次的玩法就知道 09/21 13:35
macrose:RI的部分失準囉 10/10 16:56
zackia:4567的部分都失準了,尤其是6(大心)我私心的希望89也失準 10/13 13:20
tabris75:45不算失準啊.. 10/21 12:14