看板 Renee 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《kdlang (kdlang)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《jcyl (沒敗家實力的人)》之銘言: : 他們一直強調向Doris Day和Rock Hudson致敬 : 雖然很有話題 可是一定不討好 : 因為Doris Day和Rock Hudson是經典 不可能被超越 : 就算Renee和Ewan本身演技再好 反而會被困在框框裡 : 還不如沒那麼多前提 好好拍一部單純的復古愛情喜劇 年輕人根本搞不清楚他們是誰 :P : : 這部片Renee可是掛頭牌 : : 名字擺前面 海報也站前面 跟他以前演的片都不一樣 : 呵.....不會呀 : bjd,nurse betty都是她的個人show呢 呵呵 因為是相對的 : chicago她也是排前面 不是李查爺爺最前面嗎? :P : : Ewan雖然是目前好萊塢最紅的英國男星之一 : : 也是硬生生地被擠到後面去 : : 不過總比Ralph Fiennes的遭遇好 : : 哈哈 : 畢竟英國人和美國人相比是會吃虧點啦......^^"""""""" : 但紅磨坊Ewan排得比nicole前吧?? 不 兩個「非美國人」乾脆一起都用側面(請看海報) 不過排名 還是妮可姊姊前面 ^^ 好萊塢畢竟都是以名氣/號召力看人的..... 對了 剛剛在Ewan的網站看到一篇批評FOX這次宣傳策略的文章 寫得真好 貼給大家看看 Sunday, June 1, 2003 // 10:01 p.m. Don't wait to see Down With Love! After two weeks in theaters, Down With Love has started disappearing from many cinemas, thanks to the questionable marketing "genius" of Twentieth Century Fox. In order to make room for the usual summer blockbusters: X-men, The Matrix, Daddy Day Care, Finding Nemo and Bruce Almighty, cinemas have dropped Down With Love. Down With Love has gotten excellent reviews yet Fox threw it to the wolves, at the worst possible time of the year for a film like this. Counter-programming against one film is fine, but against 5 big films, it just got lost in the shuffle. What were they thinking? Were they thinking??? The marketing campaign started well: the paper dolls, the funky martini glasses, but then it went downhill. Fox forgot to secure the "downwithlove.com" domain name and a squatter purchased it, hoping to get big bucks out of Fox. Well, Fox wouldn't budge, the squatter posted negative things on the site. Nice going, Fox! (Here's some free advice: you buy the domain name as soon as you start production!) Then the trailer came out and at the end it announced the official site: down-with-love.com. Except the site wasn't ready. It took a few months before it was actually up. Nice going, Fox! So, if you want to see it, hurry. In two weeks I managed to see it 4 times. I was looking forward to seeing it all summer. Nice going, Fox. -- 好歹Ewan跟FOX的關係也不錯ㄟ.... Star Wars & Moulin Rouge 都是他們的.... 唉..... 不過往好處想.... 九月台灣上映時就比較沒有超級強片了.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: jcyl 來自: (06/05 00:35)