看板 Renee 關於我們 聯絡資訊
From IMDB.com: _________________________ Oscar winner Renee Zellweger burst into tears when it appeared her Academy Award statuette had been stolen from her car - until she realized she was searching for it in the wrong vehicle. The actress - who won the Best Supporting Actress gong for her performance in Cold Mountain at Sunday's ceremony - celebrated her triumph at plush Hollywood restaurant Morton's, but decided to leave her prestigious prize in the safety of her Limousine. But following a series of requests from fellow party-goers eager to see the award, Renee dashed back to her ride to fetch it. A source says, "She spotted the one that she arrived in. Or at least she thought she did." When she couldn't find her Oscar, the panicked Hollywood star reportedly urged the driver to tell her where it was, and subsequently broke down in tears when he denied any knowledge of its apparent disappearance. Fortunately for Renee - who was on the verge of calling security - she suddenly realized she had been searching in the wrong car. The source adds, "With the excitement of winning the Oscar she just wasn't paying attention and briefly panicked." Renee was later heard telling a pal, "I'm never letting this guy out of my sight." 很好笑 以為小金人不見了 沒想到是根本找錯車 大姊果然很脫線 XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kdlang:一天BJ一世BJ 推 03/04
Jokish:........... 推 03/04