看板 Road_Running 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Not Phased BY JON SINCLAIR & KENT OGLESBY <Runner's World February 2003> Question: I want to improve my 5-K time by a minute or more so I can beat a friendly rival in a race this summer. I now run about 35 miles a week, including intervals and hills. What do you suggest? L.S., ORLANDO, FLA. Answer: It looks like you already have a pretty good training program. To take it to the next level, you need a plan that builds in distinct phases, an approach that coaches often call "periodization." Follow it, and your rival won't have a chance. Phase one-base training: For the first 6 to 8 weeks, run a steady diet of aerobic miles, increasing the volume to 45 to 50 miles per week, but keeping the intensity low (forget intervals and hill training for now). Once a week include a long run of at least 90 minutes. Base training builds aerobic strength to support the intense work coming later in the program. Phase two-resistance work: For the next 4 to 6 weeks, introduce harder running by adding hill runs a few times a week in order to build strength that will help you run faster. Try either running over a hilly course or repetitions on a specific hill. Also, once a week, do a sustained run at a comfortably hard effort. Phase three-short intervals: For the following 4 to 6 weeks, replace the hill workouts with 1 day of intervals that are high in volume, moderate in intensity, and with short rest periods between them. Examples are 15 x 400 meters with 1-minute rest, or even 15 x 1 minute fairly fast, followed by 1 minute easy. Try to keep the tempo training and the long run going, but your emphasis should be on running faster. Phase four-quality work: This will sharpen your fitness over the last month before the goal race. Gradually eliminate tempo runs, but once a week add "quality intervals"- longer repeats at faster than goal race pace with enough recovery to let you handle the intensity. For a 5-K race, quality intervals could be 1200 to 2000meters in length (with enough repetitions to reach 3 or 4 miles); or even 1 mile or 3000-meter time trials. Also, schedule short, developmental races leading up to your big event. In the final 2 to 3 weeks before the race, cut back your mileage (you can eliminate the long run) and concentrate on strong, fast workouts with an increased number of easy/rest days. In the last week, only do short, easy runs with one slightly faster, but short, workout 3 days before the big race. At that point, you'll be ready. -- TALENT is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of HARD WORK. -Stephen King -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: paicheng 來自: (01/31 18:55)
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