看板 RockMetal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
圖文版:http://www.wretch.cc/blog/Gotthard/9077603 因為Karl談到了其實樂團收入不再巡迴,而且有意願開拓新市場(印度、中國),所以順手 翻了這篇~ ======== 不是只有Metallica, Dave Mustaine會靠腰音樂產業會被當漏搞垮,死亡金屬的Nile也在 抱怨。Karl也直言,許多人以為巡迴演出是樂團主要的經濟來源,其實這點才是他們受傷 最深的。 =====節譯專訪內容==== Attention Deficit Delirium: Given how tough everything is for bands nowadays, how is NILE holding up? 問:面對現在艱難的環境,Nile過得如何? Sanders: Taking a beating. In the age of downloading, everyone thinks that all the money will be made on tour. Dude, that's also where we're getting hit really hard. Just the rising cost of transportation — the bus and the cost of diesel fuel — is our biggest fucking expense. That stuff has skyrocketed, yet we don't see an increase in the amount of money from the promoters. They might be charging higher ticket prices to kids, but that money is not really trickling down to us. We're getting it on all sides, man. Some of the larger cities are imposing higher and higher fees for selling your merch. Concert T-shirts are at a stupid[ly high] price now because you get taxed 40 to 45% right out of the gate, off the top. The band has to buy the shirts to start off with, and somebody is taking 40% of the gross in every city. It's no picnic out there. Sanders:受創中。在當漏的時代,每個人都覺得(樂團)所有收入要靠巡迴賺來。老兄, 我們就是在這項(工作)受創很深啊。高漲的交通費用 (巴士以及燃料費),是我們最大的 支出。所有物價都飆漲,唯獨沒看到巡迴主辦人沒有幫我們提高演出費。他們或許會提高 售價賣給樂迷,不過錢根本沒分給我們。每個環節都受創,老兄。有些大城市會對販售周 邊商品收取很高的費用。演唱會現場賣的團T價錢高得離譜,因為有百分之40到45是稅金 。樂團必須自己花錢買那些T恤才能拿出來賣,然後每個城市會有人拿走四成的收入。一 點都不好玩。 Attention Deficit Delirium: Many musicians are now doing other things on the side to make more money. 問:現在許多音樂人沒工作時,都在從事其他事情掙錢。 Sanders: I'm giving guitar lessons, and I've got my side project, so that helps a little bit. But times are tough, man, and I don't see them getting any better. Sanders:我在教吉他,而且我也做side project,所以不無小補。不過時機歹歹,一點 都沒有好轉的跡象。 Attention Deficit Delirium: As far as production, how much comes out of your pocket and how much comes out of their pocket? 問:至於製作費用,有多少比例是你們掏錢的,多少比例是他們出錢? Sanders: That's a funny one because today I got my balance sheet for the record budget, and in there is $900 worth of expenses that I turned in that I didn't get reimbursed for and had to eat. That's always a bone of contention there, and it's not going to get any better. CD sales are declining 35% each successive year, so in the next five years we're going to see bands have their budgets completely slashed. We have to take a budget cut as well. Sanders: 這可好笑了。今天我才拿給唱片公司拿到製作預算的收支簿,有價值900美金的 我已墊付的款項還沒拿回,在加上我吃飯的錢【要吃多少才會跟你一樣吃得跟大樹一樣( 誤!)】。這一直是爭論的重點,然而不見好轉。CD的銷售量連續每年下降35%,所以五年 之後有些樂團的預算會完全的被刪除。我們也會被砍預算。 Attention Deficit Delirium: That makes your career more expensive. 問:這讓你們的音樂生涯更昂貴。 Sanders: Yeah, it means we take the hit. All record companies are going to go out of business in the next five years. So what does that mean? How does that translate down to us? That means that if we want to have a record deal, the amount of available record contracts will shrink. The amount of money the record companies can afford to pay you is going to shrink. But the costs to make these records is not going to shrink. Think about that. So that means a music career, making records, is not going to be easy in the foreseeable future. It's going to get tougher. Sanders:對,這代表了我們會受到傷害。所有唱片公司在未來五年都會關門[。這又代 表了什麼呢?這情況對我們意義又是如何?這表示了,如果我們想拿到一只唱片合約,簽 約金一定會縮水。唱片公司能夠支付(給我們)的收入也縮水。不過製作唱片的費用卻不會 縮水。你想想看這樣的情況。這代表著音樂人生涯、做唱片,在可見的未來會變得艱苦。 會更加的困難。 Attention Deficit Delirium: So what is the game plan for NILE? 問:所以Nile的應對策略是? Sanders: It boils down to how we are going to make money to counteract that. We're talking about expanding into new, emerging world markets, like India and China, where there is a middle class that has disposable income. People in China have jobs. There's work there. They have disposable income. Sanders:市場蒸發到我們必須賺些錢來因應。我們討論過進入新的市場,像是印度與中 國。那邊的中產階級有些閒錢。中國人有工作。那邊有工作機會。他們有些閒錢。 【那就來台灣開發市場吧,呼呼~】 完整專訪請上Attention Deficit Delirium ========= blabbermouth上有些說:「樂團要放棄唱片公司,自己搞發行宣傳」等等說法幫忙出主意 ,替唱片業提一盞明燈。 這些樂迷,感情都是不願屈居體制之下,自己創業的大老闆? 還是先練成只出一張嘴的大老闆威嚴,等待「時機成熟」之流,呼呼~ -- I don't need to worry 'bout tomorrow Ain't anticipating what's to come And I don't need to worry 'bout the things I have not done Long as I got rock and roll I'm forever young Long as I got rock and roll I'm forever young -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Mayhem:純推不看,先來看最新的SASUKE啦! 01/01 17:40
Mayhem:http://zh-tw.justin.tv/bi0z0mbie#r=KFMRIz4 正在直播中 01/01 17:40
YesIamNot:難 沒有資本沒有通路 去士林夜市擺攤賣自己的cdㄇ? 01/01 18:57
Gotthard:喔喔~船長好像出局了? 01/01 21:16
lordlpg:推啊 01/01 22:10
knight00931:請他們去捷運地下街租個攤位... 01/01 22:13
haycheese:我覺得格子趣蠻適合的 01/01 22:25
Mayhem:船長衝太快發生失誤意外出局,消防員則是又在老地方...o__Q 01/01 22:31
Gotthard:我只看到消防隊軟手...一整個遜掉~ 01/01 23:22
visualrock:死胖子快來不要講廢話趕快跟禿子還有機器人一起來,幹! 01/01 23:54
coolfly:推!! 01/02 21:59
Mayhem:消防員竹田已經盡力喏...掉到水裡後根本無法靠自己爬上來.. 01/03 01:31
Gotthard:體力放盡失敗,完全沒有all stars實力的感覺.... 01/03 09:32
Mayhem:人也是會逐漸變老的,請樓上翻開上衣檢視一下自己的腹部... 01/03 15:06
Gotthard:好大塊的腹肌 (驚) 01/03 19:34
HuntersMoon:G大,我最近想減肥。要不要約一約一起去健身房操練!? 01/03 19:54
Mayhem:好啊,咱們來個以雞會友...呃...是以肌會友才對~~ 01/03 21:52
Gotthard:為了報名明年的Sasuke? 01/03 23:13
Mayhem:樓上流鶯大大還在台灣嗎? 01/03 23:44
Gotthard:樓上回泰國了沒? 01/04 21:57
Mayhem:偶已經定居在台灣喏ㄎㄎ 01/04 21:59
Gotthard:偶也是~ 01/05 22:47
Mayhem:喔?樓上已經學成歸國喏?改天出來喝一杯~ 01/06 01:32
Gotthard:喝一箱也可以~ 01/06 22:05
Mayhem:一箱養樂多?ㄎㄎ 01/06 23:40