看板 RockMetal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
看到樓上那首,我認不住的想翻譯這首歌。 XD 傷當抒情的好歌,請在情人節時點播給你的愛人們~ http://youtu.be/rvdYly4A5W0
Fuck her gently ==================================================================== This is a song for the ladies 這首歌獻給女士們 But fellas listen closely 但畜生們,仔細聽好了 You don't always have to fuck her hard 你不需要總是用力的幹她 In fact sometimes that's not right to do 事實上,有些時這麼做是錯的 Sometimes you've got to make some love 有時候你要製造些愛的氣氛 And fucking give her some smoochies too 然後他媽的也給她點啾咪* Sometimes ya got to squeeze 有時你需要點揉擠 Sometimes you've got to say please 有時你必須說求求妳 Sometime you've got to say hey 有時候你必須說:嘿! I'm gonna Fuck you softly 我會輕柔的幹妳 I'm gonna screw you gently 我會紳士般的搞妳 I'm gonna hump you sweetly 我會濃情密意的上妳 I'm gonna ball you discreetly 我會小心的喊著妳的名字** And then you say hey I bought you flowers 然後你說:嘿~我買了花送妳 And then you say wait a minute sally 然後你說:等一會兒~莎莉 I think I got somethin in my teeth 我覺得有東西卡在我的齒縫裡 Could you get it out for me 能幫我弄出來嗎? That's fucking teamwork 這才是他媽的團隊合作! What's your fave posish? 妳最喜歡的姿勢是什麼? That's cool with me 它我可以 It's not my favorite 雖然不是我的最愛 But I'll do it for you 不過我可以為了妳這樣搞 What's your favorite dish? 妳最喜歡的菜是什麼? I'm not gonna cook it 我不會去煮 But I'll order it from Zanzibar 不過我會從桑給巴爾訂 And then I'm gonna love you completely 接著我會完全的愛妳 And then I'll fucking fuck you discreetly 然後我將他媽的小心翼翼的幹妳 And then I'll fucking bone you completely 再來我將把妳整個肏翻 But then I'm gonna fuck you hard Hard 總之,我還是會用力的幹~~~妳~~ ============================================================= * smoochies是kiss的意思,所以用相對可愛點的啾咪 ** ball這邊我不確定該怎麼翻,不過根據Urban Dictonary相關用法,我當它是"喊" 謝謝收看 XD 歡迎修正內文的各個翻譯。 -- Hollowcorpse:球棒咧!!!!! 06/09 18:31 F7:球棒藏身示意圖: 囧r/!\ 06/09 18:31 abian: \(〞︶〝*) 戳戳 06/09 18:31 F7:>/////////< 06/09 18:31 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Hollowcorpse 來自: (10/17 01:54)
ademgu:Ball 應該也是幹的意思 10/17 01:57
ademgu:小心翼翼的與妳相交合 10/17 01:57
ademgu: 地 10/17 02:01
Hollowcorpse:因為查到的不是哭就是罵 XD 所以就當成是出聲了 10/17 02:02
morlboro:哈~這首歌我好像也翻過 10/17 02:31
Hollowcorpse:XDDD 真的耶!你說我才想起來,我有印象Zanzibar的部 10/17 05:39
EDGE: 揪咪… XDD 10/17 10:54
PistolUncle:推! 10/17 12:38
Tearjerkes:brutal! 10/17 21:31
gatsu:This is my favorite song of all time !!! 10/17 22:34
sneak: 推! https://noxiv.com 08/15 10:12