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Ensiferum-Goblins' dance 哥布林之舞 http://youtu.be/nQ1h8-AZfLI
*因為哥布林這種生物(妖怪?)再種文裡面沒有特別的用詞,所以直接翻成了哥布林 話說我想順便問一下,這裡有在美國東部出沒的板友嗎? Goblins' dance Once in the time of chaos, of sunless days and of unhappiness. 曾經在那混亂的時代,痛苦而沒有陽光的日子 The statue of the triumphant master stood proud and grim. 勝利的大師雕像驕傲而陰森的矗立著 In the light of three descending moons, in twisted and cracked open. 在三個沉落之月的光芒之下,以扭曲和裂開的方式 Unleashing the Goblin King once again, for the last time. 再一次,也是最後一次,釋放出哥布林之王 "Now the Victory is ours !" "Let us dance the dance of Immortals" “而現在勝利是我們的!” “讓我們舞蹈永生者之舞!” They shrieked, as they marched up and down the hills, in the sighing face of earth 他們尖叫,當他們行進在山丘之間,在大地嘆息的臉上 Misfortune and Chaos, Grief and Destruction. 不幸與混沌,悲傷與毀滅 The works of Dreaming evil, and the joy of unholiness. 夢中邪惡的作品,邪惡的喜悅 No soul was left alone, in the mayhem of the human race, 在人類的騷亂之中,沒有靈魂被單獨留下 "Hahahahaa!!!. Let us joy. Let us dance!!!" “哈哈哈哈!讓我們狂歡,讓我們舞蹈!” So they danced their macabre dances 所以他們跳了他們的死亡之舞 From the three ascending moons, moonshine was spilling onto the ground, Gruesome trophies were all around In the halls of the Goblin King 月光從那三個上升之月灑在大地之上 到處都是可怕的戰利品 在哥布林之王的殿堂 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: kazukiajisai 來自: (11/24 14:52) ※ 編輯: kazukiajisai 來自: (11/24 14:52)
PTTjoker:推ensi~ 11/25 03:49