看板 RockMetal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大胃王吉米 - 小事 我想這是暗戀的心情 想在一起卻又因為某些原因 沒有辦法再更進一步了... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvMKIF-AdR4
"Littlething" 這感覺一如往常 It's how I've often felt 每當我身處如此的夜晚 When I find myself on nights like these, 就像是平安夜 Like Christmas Eve 從無人的大樓窗口 From the empty office window 到空盪的大街 To the street outside 是否有辦法不去解釋這一切 It's everything not to call 然後找出個所以然 And find out why 只不過是一個小小的願望 I't's just a little thing 被其他瑣碎所埋葬 Buried in the other things 在心中緩慢燃燒殆盡 Burning away, from inside 今晚陪著我好嗎? Would you stay with me tonight? 有一個無聲的夢 There's a quiet dream 我不應該奢求的夢 I'm not supposed to think 在腦海中慢慢被蠶食 Eating away at my mind 今晚陪著我好嗎? Could you be with me tonight? 回程的途中妳不發一語 On the cab ride you said nothing 髮絲覆蓋妳的臉龐 Just hair all in your face 我太害怕去誠實面對 I was scared to name it 因此一切仍舊沒有改變 And nothing changed 所以,我將一直走到氣力放盡 So, I walked until I just couldn't 因為等我瞭解早已太遲 Too late I understood 這一切就像是個半成品 It was always half invented 而好的那一半我卻還沒完成 But the other half was good 只不過是一個小小的願望 I't's just a little thing 被其他瑣碎所埋葬 Buried in the other things 在心中緩慢燃燒殆盡 Burning away, from inside 今晚陪著我好嗎? Would you stay with me tonight? 有一個無聲的夢 There's a quiet dream 我不應該奢求的夢 I'm not supposed to think 在腦海中慢慢被蠶食 Eating away at my mind 今晚陪著我好嗎? Could you be with me tonight? guitar solo 我知道只不過是一個小小的願望 I know I't's just a little thing 被其他瑣碎所埋葬 Buried in the other things 在心中緩慢燃燒殆盡 Burning away, from inside 今晚陪著我好嗎? Would you stay with me tonight? 有一個無聲的夢 There's a quiet dream 我知道我不應該奢望 I know I shouldn't think 在腦海中慢慢被蠶食 Eating away at my mind 陪著我,今晚 Stay with me tonight -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Cerulean1220:Metal? 10/24 21:43
FantasyNova: PPP P P PUNK但這五年 RM板已經變成綜合大板了 10/24 23:12
FantasyNova:滿多板面都乾乾乾乾很久了 10/24 23:13
limcre:這是? 10/24 23:56
Slash1987: 10/24 23:59
matatabi:..大胃王吉米在另類搖滾界也滿有名吧..... 10/25 08:17
matatabi:我承認這首很軟啦 哈哈哈 10/25 08:17
AnthonyL:蠻好的分享 10/25 09:52
saigxx:搖滾本來就可以po了阿 10/25 12:42
coolfly:Rock_Metal,Rock也可以貼啦XD 10/25 19:43
saigxx:八卦酸民化以後連這裡也要酸民化了嗎XD 10/25 21:09
jameskoko:其實沒差吧 別太過頭灌水就好 至少他有翻譯啦 10/25 23:02
ppc2t2:需人家幹嘛 10/25 23:30
Mayhem:只能貼Metal相關的話那我一堆文章都要被噓爆喏~哭哭 10/26 00:51
jameskoko:沒必要把其他板的習慣也帶來這吧 他又不是再這裡問卦 10/26 02:03
EDGE: 第一次聽到這團是在MTV頻道裡朱約信老師的節目呢。 10/26 14:50
john07:"搖滾金屬板"好嗎?是在噓什麼,原PO好音樂!!! 10/27 00:01
l17:我第一次踢大胃王是玩Burnout的時候耶XD 10/27 12:33
matatabi:RM板揪甘心Q____Q 10/27 18:44