看板 RockMetal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Genre 曲風 As Venom were one of the first incarnations of extreme metal, influencing many thrash metal, black metal, death metal and other extreme metal bands, their exact genre has been a topic of debate. Venom has been labeled various genres by members of the press. Most prominent genres are black metal, thrash metal, and speed metal. Venom被視為是極限金屬之先驅之一,其曲風大大的影響了鞭荅金屬、 黑金、死金以及後起的極限金屬樂團,但Venom該如何被規類至今仍是 一個謎,在許多出版品的分類上大多視其為黑金、鞭金、或是速金。 Legacy and influence 我是傳奇 Welcome to Hell influenced several later bands. Venom's music helped shape the development of many thrash metal bands, specifically the "Big Four of Thrash" (who in turn were highly influential): Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax and Megadeth (Metallica opened for Venom on an early 1980s tour and Slayer played with them on the Combat Tour in 1985). Venom would also be of extreme importance to the black metal and even the early death metal scene, with numerous bands copying styles, themes and imagery from the band, such as the Swiss band Hellhammer which also helped pioneer the genres. Welcome to Hell此專輯帶給後起之輩諸多的啟發及影響,許多鞭荅金屬 樂團皆受到了Venom流樂風之啟迪,其中最有名的就是美國四大鞭金 (Metallica於1980年代曾替Venom巡迴暖場,Slayer於1985年與其同台進 行Combat Tour之巡迴)。早期黑金與死金的掘起也與其密不可分,這些樂 團紛紛參(ㄔㄠ)考(ㄒ一ˊ)其風格、主題及型象,而來自瑞士的Hellhammer 也為此類樂風之先驅。 Venom often used Satanic and other 'evil' themes in their lyrics, but critic Bradley Torreano declared that the band had "their tongues planted firmly in their cheeks", with a sense of humor and irony that was sometimes lost on their fans and other musicians. Torreano adds that Venom "[caught] the attention of both metalheads and punks, the band was emulated by the former and turned into camp icons by the latter." 名嘴樂評Bradley Torreano指出,“雖然Venom的歌詞中大多提及撒旦及惡 魔,但是他們其實是傲嬌故意在耍帥骨子裡其實頗幽默低!可惜那些迷弟還 有音樂家們通常沒有那個天份看到他們幽默反諷的一面。”Torreano又補充 說“Venom成功地捕捉到金屬頭以及龐客們的目光,進而使樂迷模仿樂團的形 象"。 Although they didn't make it to MTV's top 10 heavy metal bands list, they were given an "honorable mention." 雖然Venom沒能入選MTV的10大重金屬樂團,但他們確實造成了很龐大的影響。 Criticism 謝謝指教 While many fans and musicians see Venom as an important band, their music has nonetheless been the subject of debate and criticism. Critic Eduardo Rivadavia of Allmusic writes that though Welcome to Hell influenced "literally thousands" of bands, Venom was "critically reviled." However, critic James Christopher Monger declares that the members of Venom 'grew as musicians' as their careers progressed.[15] Ethnographer Keith Kahn-Harris argues that Venom's limited technical skill, particularly early in their career, was a profound, though inadvertent factor in Venom's influence: being unable to mimic more technically proficient metal of their predecessors or peers, Venom instead opted to focus on sheer speed, creating music that was inspired by earlier metal, yet simultaneously blazed new trails. 就在Venom被諸多迷弟與樂手視為偉大樂團的同時,他們的音樂也免 不其然地受到了許多批評及懷疑。Allmusic雜誌的專業嘴砲樂評 Eduardo Rivadavia在專欄中寫道,“就算Venom確實影響了成千上萬 的樂團,但是他們還是討罵拉﹗”。評論家James Christopher Monger 則認為Venom的團員隨著樂團的發展漸漸的長大了,有音樂家的樣子 。Keith Kahn-Harris怒罵其團員於早期時的表演能力超級落漆,看了 眼睛會長針眼,就算很狗屎運地影響了後起之秀,但是他們的技術跟同 期樂團相比根本是小學生等級,他們只是快槍俠罷了,而且靈感都是抄 襲老前輩,一點都不創新! In his Black Flag tour diary, singer Henry Rollins wrote about a 1986 performance when Black Flag opened for Venom. He opines that Venom was hilarious, with mediocre playing and a stage performance focused on appearances rather than music; Rollins asserted that the musicians used portable fans to keep their hair flowing while on stage. Rollins wrote, "It was like seeing Spinal Tap ... I expected them to go into 'Sex Farm' at any second." Rollins writes that he and some tourmates drew magic marker pentagrams on their hands to flash at Venom and offer “Hail Satan” salutes. For their final number, Venom asked the audience to chant what Rollins thought was “Black Funky Metal”, which briefly made Rollins suspect that he had overlooked Venom's sense of humor, until he realized Venom was actually saying “Black Fucking Metal”. 歌手Henry Rollins在他的Black Flag樂團巡迴日記中提到Black Flag 在1986年幫Venom暖場的內容中透露Venom的成員根本就是一群小丑,彈 奏技術一般般,可是超愛現的,根本可以去太陽馬戲團表演了。Rollins 還說他們會自備電風扇以便讓頭髮在舞台上能跟海倫仙度絲廣告一樣流順 又飄逸低飛舞,其中寫道“就像看到Spinal Tap(樂團)表演一樣,我猜他 們每秒都在阿~~司吧”。Rollins日記內容中提到他與其他的巡迴伙伴們 在Venom表演時會秀出特意畫手上的五芒星圖案大喊著“撒旦大人萬歲~” ,而在表演時Venom也會要求台下汁男們大喊著“下麵給你吃”,不過 Rollins事後覺得這根本是Venom流的黃色笑話,他們其實是想說 “下面給你吃”。 Venom's members were apparently well aware that their musical skills were questioned, especially by other bands. During a concert at the Hammersmith Odeon in 1984, guitarist Mantas was doing a between-song rant when he remarked rather loudly: "A lot of bands are out there tonight, waiting for Venom to make a mistake. Well, we are the fucking mistake!" Venom的成員長久以來一直被持疑他們的表演能力是不是手腳不協調, 其中詰最兇的是同期的其他樂團,在1984年的一場表演中,結他手 Mantas在表演間隙中大聲喊道 “你們這些自稱樂團咖的咖洨來看我們表演其實就只是想等我們滑倒 吧,痾,不對,是出包對不對!幹,我們站在這裡就是一個天大的錯 誤拉,科科!” ---------------- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: saigxx 來自: (11/06 03:21) ※ 編輯: saigxx 來自: (11/06 03:21) ※ 編輯: saigxx 來自: (11/06 03:26)
tratracy:推 在許多出版品的"分"類上 11/06 03:37
※ 編輯: saigxx 來自: (11/06 03:50)
WenChing5566:Vemon的實力有這麼不堪....? 11/06 10:26
saigxx:可能是跟同期的樂團相比之下吧.. 11/06 13:58
LionaSax:推,這篇翻得特別生動耶。XDDDD 11/06 16:04