看板 Rockets 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這位大大翻得又快又好 小弟在這邊效顰,畫蛇添足一下 我將中間幾段重翻,並加上自己的評論: "We don't run," Van Gundy said. "We sort of straggle down the court. And then when we do have one, we don't convert. Van Gundy說: 我們的球員都不跑.....就只是呆呆的散在場上......(評一) 而且糟糕的是,當我們有個快攻機會時,我們無法進行有效的攻守轉換 評一by Norris: 我的經驗是,不愛跑,呆呆的散在場上 這是因為 1. 對單打(自己或隊友)太有自信; 2. 懶,一個字,就是懶 "Your transition offense is based on the effort of your big guys to make it a four-on-three ... and then the decisions by your perimeter players. 我們這邊說 一個成功的攻守轉換是建立在隊上的大個子盡力趕上球的流動製造成四打三的優勢 然後由外圍球員來投進(灌進),結束這一場快攻 "The habit of running, like any habit, is hard to get, and if you don't do it, it's hard to break. We can do a better job, when we do have it, of finishing, making layups, and when we do have it, running to score. 保持跑動的習慣很難養成,但是如果不養成這個習慣,我們將不會有突破 我們如果可以養成跑動的習慣,我們將可以進攻得更順暢 "Usually when you miss a fast-break opportunity, when you miss a shot, the ball is going the other way with a fast-break opportunity. If you had numbers going down and turn it over or miss, they are usually going to have numbers going back. It's important to convert at a high rate." 通常來說,當你搞砸了一個快攻機會,或是沒投進 那可能就是變成對方的快攻機會(反快攻) 如果你老是搞砸,相對來說,對方的機會多,對你造成的傷害更大 從這裡可以看到攻守轉換的重要性 In addition to their lack of full-court big men and decision-making guards on the fast break, the Rockets also need to use their guards to help on the boards, keeping them from becoming targets for outlet passes. 在快攻處理上 火箭隊現在缺少一個可以全場飛奔的大個子及一個可以做出致命一擊結束快攻的後衛 問題不只如此,火箭目前還需要他們的後衛深入進去幫忙搶籃板(評二) 而且站位也必須考慮避免被人家鎖定夾擊其傳球路線(評三) 評二by Norris: 火箭鋒線的籃板貢獻還是不行,看看SM籃板數占全隊的比率,將近1/4耶 後衛如果都殺進籃下搶籃板,那誰主持快攻?自然攻守轉換表現就差了 評三by Norris: 目前球隊努力調整的方向是盡量保持球的流動,不要個人單打硬幹 但是遇到對方球隊寧可放你單打也不讓你傳球時,球隊方針就受到抵觸 還在調整適應階段的球員很容易步入對方的陷阱發生失誤 白話點說,打球還不夠聰明,無法洞察場上的局勢及對手的策略及時做出因應 "To have any opportunity of doing that, you have to have a habitual thought of running," Van Gundy said. "It's one reason being small hurts you. You can't leak people out." 假如想要打小球,你必須要有整場跑動的觀念及習慣 這也就是為什麼火箭目前小球戰術打不好 你不能漏掉任何人,所有人都要配合才能做到(評四) 評四by Norris: 這幾天聽Van Gundy講類似的話好幾遍了(不會是同一篇訪問不同人掰吧?) 他好像在指責大個子速度不夠跟不上快攻 他要如何改善這一點?我也很期待?我一直在懷疑他會不會動用交易..... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
EddieGriffin:推~多多討論喔 ^^ 別被翻譯的外電淹沒了 推140.116.145.145 12/07
mynowitzki:感謝解釋讓這一篇更完整 不要叫我大大啦>< 推 12/07
supermai:翻的真好哇~讓我更了解原文所說的^^ 推 12/08