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想必大家應該很關心Brooks在靶子隊的表現, 這個是每天都會去採訪美國隊練球情形的nba.com的作家 http://my.nba.com/forum.jspa?forumID=400025373 http://go2.tw/1hm 今天靶子隊在連輸兩天後,開始振作,今天打敗了老大哥 1: Senior Team 26, Select Team 18 2: Senior Team 18, Select Team 15 3: Select Team 26, Senior Team 16 4: Select Team 39, Senior Team 35 (OT) 本來第四節結束後平手,但是Melo硬是跟裁判凹了3分鐘, 所以多了三分鐘的延長賽 Brooks心臟蠻大顆的,在延長賽最後45秒落後一分時,切入造成Melo犯規罰進兩球 協助靶子隊超前,又在最後18秒,老大哥採取犯規戰術時,穩穩罰進兩分 將領先分數擴大成3分.... 這位作家對Brooks的表現讚賞有加, "Brooks is lightning quick ... and he can shoot. So, you can't play off him. He can also finish in traffic. He was terrific today." 當然就是提到他閃電般的速度,但又不能完全放他外線防切入, 另外切入禁區後也有不錯的finish能力,今天表現一極棒 Defensively, he's going to struggle when he tries to guard the bigger points in this league, but the international rules they're playing here help disguise his defensive deficiencies. 防守上身高還是吃虧,尤其對到老大哥都是一堆大型後衛時, 不過靠區域防守可以彌補他身高造成的防守缺陷 For the Select Team, Andre Iguodala, Devin Harris and Aaron Brooks were the stars, while Channing Frye, Jeff Green, Al Jefferson and David Lee all did their part on the boards. Andre Iguodala, Devin Harris and Aaron Brooks是今天場上的明星, 靶子隊其他球員也都扮演好自己的角色 賽後訪問Iguodala說,雖然我們是靶子隊,照理來說輸球是應該的, 但我們不想只是來這裡一直被電 XD 所以靶子隊大家都很拼命 Brooks也說,我們不想放棄,我們要施加更多壓力給對手... 另一篇文章也有提到Brooks... The smallest player on the court has been Houston Rockets rookie Aaron Brooks, a six-foot point guard from Oregon. On Saturday, Brooks gave Team USA's backcourt problems with relentless penetration and effective outside shooting. 身為場上最矮小的球員,最菜的鳥,Brooks一直以不斷的切入 以及有效的外線給美國隊後場帶來問題 "This is really special because I'm out there playing against guys that you always see on TV," said Brooks, who was invited to training camp two weeks before it began. "I'm really just trying to learn as much as I can out here so that I am ready for the season. . . But I can see, there are a lot of things I have to learn. It's a big adjustment coming from college. I'm definitely not comfortable out there. . . But overall, it's just a fun experience. I'm trying to soak it all up." 很高興來到這裡和一堆平常只能在電視上看到的球員對抗, 有很多東西都是我要學的,從大學階段跨到這裡需要很大的適應期 但是來到這邊覺得很開心,也是個很特別的經驗 Brooks加油,好好在Kidd,Billups,Deron身上多學點經驗值吧~! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
brianlin23:感覺火箭選到了一個還蠻堪用的後衛 Brooks加油~~ 08/20 01:10
iandol:很期待囉 能當小法的好替補 板凳暴徒 08/20 01:31
rockshow:可以想像它會那樣說 應該是很努力的在挖寶 加油! 08/20 01:32
Lr1:感覺上會變很強.................... 08/20 01:37
hunight:快跟假MJ說掰掰了...... 08/20 02:35
iamexwilly:Brooks是今夏火箭得到最大的寶 08/20 04:07
lucifer1C1:Morey的確有先見之明,看在這就不怪你去年被WEST黑掉.. 08/20 04:11
hanway:請問一下 賽後訪問小ai的部分在哪?竟然找不到... 08/20 07:48
hanway:喔我看到了,謝謝你分享這篇 08/20 07:51
nba1ook:Brooks有造成Melo犯規的能力 火箭就很賺... 08/20 08:44
nba1ook:其實Brooks是A帥先看中的...Morey大概是聽了A帥數據算一算 08/20 08:47
nba1ook:覺得不錯才敢冒著被球迷打才選... 08/20 08:48
DDMO:我論Morey計算得出Battier>Gay+Swift,所以他覺得不虧....XD 08/20 09:19
DDMO:不過現在控衛人還是多到爆阿,Lucas跟Sula這麼難清嗎@@? 08/20 09:21
zaq1xsw2121:對不起Brooks 當初選你的時候我氣個半死 08/20 09:22
ZkNight:希望以後我們也能有個0號瘋子阿 XD 08/20 13:17
klasd:就矮豆人的說法,在他回家吃自己的那段時間因為沒事幹,所以常 08/20 13:46
klasd:去看ncaa的比賽,而Brooks的校區正好是矮豆人家那一帶的,所以 08/20 13:47
klasd:Brooks的比賽看了不少,印象特別深刻,才有了今年選秀的驚奇 08/20 13:50
kingroy:把他當Bobby Jackson用就好 xD" 08/20 14:50
hunight:不必特別去看Brooks的比賽啦 看過幾次他NCAA的表現 08/20 17:05
hunight:就會對他印象很深刻 他在奧勒岡身高165的後場搭檔Porter 08/20 17:06
hunight:根本就是兩顆炸彈 08/20 17:07
DDMO:我覺得我們的Bobby還蠻多的....XD 08/21 01:27
fox0922:Brooks會像Bobby嗎? 比較多是說窮人版AI或是有外線的 08/21 01:46
fox0922:Speedy的樣子 08/21 01:47
DDMO:如果"像Bobby"是指能關鍵時刻切入凹犯規的話,那AB,SF3,MJ都有 08/21 02:34
npchen:還是不要太樂觀..猶記去年的三分新人被大家寄予了多少期待 08/24 16:29